qualitative monitoring data captured at the project level is poorly used

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qualitative monitoring data captured at the project level is poorly used by Mind Map: qualitative monitoring data captured at the project level is poorly used

1. the qualitative monitoring data is not perceived as credible

1.1. smaller sample size

1.1.1. people do not understand the data methodology

1.2. subjective

1.2.1. difficulty ensuring representative data

1.2.2. bias

1.3. harder to make a clear case to certain audiences

2. we do not value qualitative data as much as quantitative

2.1. organizations and staff do not value qualitative

2.1.1. perceived as time consuming

2.1.2. too many questions

2.1.3. pressure for action

2.1.4. you still get funding without doing any qualitative analysis

2.2. lack of awareness of what qualitative is

2.3. not seen as a priority

2.3.1. not built into the way we work

3. qualitative monitoring data is of poor quality

3.1. organizations do not have the right tools

3.2. time constraints

3.3. staff has not the right background

3.3.1. lack of skills language barriers more difficult to build this skills compared to quatitaive longer process, mentoring need recruitment is not looking at those skills soft skills of different types required

3.3.2. lack of context understanding

3.3.3. technical staff is not trained on qualitative methods / skills

4. we do not present it in an easy-to-use format

4.1. difficult to analyse/ interpret

4.1.1. time consuming translation cleaning and coding analysing comparing and disagregate difficult to visualize

4.1.2. wide variety of responses / unexpected answers // long messy ingredients need to select and apply adequate methodology we still use tools designed for a different purpose

4.1.3. lack of belief in quantification of quality

4.1.4. we do not design well lack of skills in designing, analysis and presentation of qualitative data we do not learn / tech / share skills

4.2. no confidence

4.2.1. lack of expertise lack of knowledge, tools and methods

4.2.2. lack of resources

5. unclear definition of qualitative data

5.1. different definitions donors vs implementers

5.2. lack of purpose

5.2.1. limited understanding

5.2.2. difficulty to prioritize between monitoring questions