Absolute Monarch

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Absolute Monarch by Mind Map: Absolute Monarch

1. English absolute monarch

1.1. James IV

1.2. Scotland and England.

1.3. Lord of Isles

1.4. Signed the Treaty of Perpetual Peace

1.5. AKA James I of England

2. French absolute monarch

2.1. Louis XIV

2.1.1. 1643-1715

2.1.2. Known as 'Sun King"

2.1.3. House of Bourbon

2.1.4. Palace at Versailles

2.2. Henry IV

2.2.1. 1589-1610

2.2.2. First Monarch from France

2.2.3. Capetian Dynasty

2.2.4. Granted "Edict of Nantes"

3. Spanish Absolute monarch

3.1. Philip II

3.1.1. Spain

3.1.2. Called "The prudent"

3.1.3. 1556-1598

3.1.4. Helped the Catholic Church persecute Protestants

3.2. Charles V

3.2.1. Holy Roman empire

3.2.2. 1500-1558

4. Divine Right

4.1. The divine right of king

5. Russian Absolute Monarch

5.1. Peter The Great

5.1.1. 1682-1725

5.1.2. Became Major European Power

6. Dutch Absolute Power

6.1. William I

6.1.1. 1581-1584

6.1.2. Main leader of Dutch Revolt.