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Projects создатель Mind Map: Projects

1. python web streamer

1.1. python rss readers

2. Create Sweetcron site

2.1. Add Blue theme

3. twitter address book

3.1. Name?

3.2. features

3.2.1. list of following

3.2.2. tags and notes

3.2.3. other web 2.0 links

3.2.4. contact info

3.2.5. groups

3.2.6. write in AIR? Add to Twhirl?

3.2.7. links to other twitter pages twitter karma grader

3.3. twitter api http://apiwiki.twitter.com/

4. write hockey dunning app in AIR

4.1. read XLS in Flex

5. Amarok / Twitter script

5.1. wiki page

5.2. use pyqt

6. My Geistesblitzes

6.1. NYT movie api

6.2. Netflix API


6.4. FriendConnect

6.5. TinyTinyRSS

6.6. Laconiica - open source twitter

7. Android programming

7.1. What Is Android

8. Shindig - OpenSocial Apache project

9. make openSUSE packages

9.1. stellarium- http://www.stellarium.org/

9.2. muCommander http://www.mucommander.com/

9.3. SDL_stretch package http://sdl-stretch.sourceforge.net/

9.4. boxee

9.4.1. Add hockey streams to boxee

9.4.2. write boxee script http://forum.boxee.tv/showthread.php?t=71

10. blip.fm AIR app

10.1. api

10.2. api test tool

10.3. Media player?

10.3.1. gstreamer pygst python gstreamer bindings http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/

10.3.2. mplayer

11. KDE Dropbox client

11.1. Dropbox Linux docs