FEARnet Player

Overall scope of how the FEARnet video player will operate

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FEARnet Player 저자: Mind Map: FEARnet Player

1. User's web page

1.1. embed tag swf with/without id tag

1.1.1. FEARnet server URL call No ID tag = loads default stream id tag = load specific stream


2.1. "CMS" for asset management

2.1.1. Allow Admin to create "playlist" for FEARnet player

2.1.2. View tracking stats for video assets, FEARnet player

2.1.3. View number of 'sends' performed

2.2. player SWF requests 'playlist' XML stucture- URL call

2.2.1. id tag = load specific stream

2.2.2. No ID tag = loads default stream

2.3. 'Share' functionality

2.3.1. swf loading URL with id asset tag

2.3.2. email sent with link to video asset and a 'linktag'

3. User has embeded swf

3.1. USER Options :

3.1.1. User Views video stream

3.1.2. User Presses 'Share' button

4. User Presses 'Share' button

4.1. pop up window to FEARnet URL

4.1.1. User fills out form with:UserEmail, friendEmail, message FEARnet server sends email with link to video asset and a linktag