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Worcester by Mind Map: Worcester

1. Building Trust

1.1. Contractual trust

1.1.1. Keeping promises

1.2. Competence trust

1.2.1. Performing role competently

1.3. Goodwill trust

1.3.1. Transparent

1.3.2. under promise / over deliver

1.3.3. Consistency

1.3.4. Added value

1.4. Procuring trust

1.4.1. Stick to procurement policies and procedures

1.4.2. Stick to agreed terms

1.5. Be truthful and honest

2. Improving productivity

2.1. Opportunity snail (Peter Cheverton)

2.2. Dedicated customer service associate

2.3. Dedicated person to deal with accounts

2.4. Dedicated marketing

2.5. Help with hopes and ambitions of the customer

3. Reducing the financial burden

3.1. Trust is in financial special measures

3.2. Offer a rebate if they can't access direct special pricing

3.3. Offer free of charge on site training

3.4. Offer sponsorship's for Doctors to access external training

3.5. Provide training aids free of charge

4. Increasing and Maintaining loyalty

4.1. Consistency

4.2. Set and monitor KPI's

5. General account information

5.1. Customer attractiveness factors (CAFs)

5.2. Relative Strength Factors

5.3. AISM

5.4. CQC rating

5.5. Size and location

6. Competitor Information

6.1. What companies are providing the same products

6.2. What relationship do they have with the trust?

6.3. Are there any contracts in place

6.4. Are there any product issues with competitor product?

6.5. What is the competitor pricing?

7. Improving quality of service

7.1. Provide questionnaires evaluating service

7.1.1. Customer service

7.1.2. On site stsff

7.1.3. Product