Internet resources (Olga Ivanova)

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Internet resources (Olga Ivanova) by Mind Map: Internet resources (Olga Ivanova)

1. dictionaries

2. puzzles, quizes & games

2.1. games and quizes

2.2. New node

3. materials

3.1. irregular verbs (easy)

3.2. irregular verbs (medium)

3.3. irregular verbs (difficult)

4. grammar

4.1. Engliah tenses (table)

5. crosswords

5.1. Chrictmas crossword

6. worksheets

6.1. free printable English worksheets

6.2. elementary level worksheets

6.3. teaching tools

6.4. worksheets ages 5-7

6.5. worksheets ages 7-11

7. exercises

8. blogs

9. vocabulary

9.1. classroom phrases