The way people learn

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The way people learn by Mind Map: The way people learn

1. Constructivism

1.1. Cognitive constructivism

1.1.1. Peer learning Project based learning

1.2. Social constructivism

1.2.1. anchored instruction Games

1.3. Radical constructivism

1.3.1. Reality Objectivity

1.4. Maker spaces

2. Maker spaces

2.1. Help students focus

2.2. Teaches basic problem solving

2.3. Encourage Rethinking the concept

3. Bloom's taxonomy

3.1. Evaluation

3.2. Synthesis

3.3. Analysis

3.4. Application

3.5. Comprehension

3.6. Knowledge

4. Behaviorism

4.1. Punishment of negative behavior

4.2. Reinforcement of positive behavior

5. Biological primary and secondary knowledge

5.1. Measures of cognitive load

5.2. Biological mechanism

6. Collaborative learning

7. Learning Styles

7.1. Active learning

7.2. Authentic learning

7.3. 21 century learning

7.3.1. Creativity

7.3.2. Critical thinking Gaming and gamification

7.3.3. Communication Collaboration

7.4. Multimedia learning

7.4.1. Multiple media formats Video based learning Podcast Slideshow

7.5. Auditory learner

7.5.1. Visual learner Kinesthetic learner Read Spatial

7.5.2. Musical

7.6. Generational learning

8. Leaning and neuroscience

8.1. Motivation and learning

8.2. Creating

8.3. Applying

9. Andragogy

9.1. Self directed learners

9.2. Internal motivation

9.3. Self concept

9.4. Readiness

10. Personal constuct

10.1. Cognition

10.2. Anticipation

10.3. Prediction

11. Learning theories

11.1. Cognitive development theory

11.2. Cognitive load theory

11.3. Chaos theory

11.4. Social learning theory

11.5. Activity theory

12. Constructionism

12.1. Motivation and learning

12.2. Metacognition

12.3. Situated cognition