The WV IBED Ecosystem

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The WV IBED Ecosystem by Mind Map: The WV IBED Ecosystem

1. Reinvention Stage

1.1. RCBI

2. Rapid Growth Stage

2.1. I-79 Corridor

2.2. Charleston Area Alliance

3. Series A Stage

3.1. Space

3.1.1. WVU

3.1.2. MATRIC

3.1.3. WVHTC

3.2. Capital

3.2.1. Super Angel

3.2.2. JIT

4. Foundational Infrastructure

5. New node

6. Discovery Stage

6.1. West Virginia University

6.2. Marshall University


6.4. NETL

6.5. Garage Entrepreneur

7. Idea Development Stage

7.1. West Virginia University

7.2. Marshall University

7.3. Innova

7.4. SBDC

8. Startup Company Stage

8.1. Innova

8.2. WV Angel Investor Network

8.3. Super Angel

8.4. JIT