Education Mobile Apps

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Education Mobile Apps by Mind Map: Education Mobile Apps

1. Language Arts

1.1. Haiku Deck

1.2. Draw & Tell

1.3. Draw Your Stories

2. Science or Math

2.1. Instructrables

2.2. Hopscotch

2.3. Scratch

3. Teacher Everyday Use

3.1. Evernote

3.2. Educreations

3.3. Playposit

4. Art

4.1. Thingiverse

4.2. Thinkercad

5. collaboration

5.1. Slack

5.2. Google Apps

5.3. Schoolology

5.4. Mindmeister

6. Teacher to Student Communication

6.1. Remind

6.2. Edublogs

6.3. ClassDojo

7. Video

7.1. Animoto

7.2. iMovie