Emerging technologies and their applications in education: by Emily Dahm

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Emerging technologies and their applications in education: by Emily Dahm by Mind Map: Emerging technologies and their applications in education: by Emily Dahm

1. OER Commons

2. SCVNGR (app)

3. Mobile Learning

3.1. QR Codes in Education

3.1.1. QR General Info Janet Green QR Report

3.1.2. Edutopia Article

3.1.3. QRs in Education

3.1.4. QR Apps QuickMark Geosocial

3.2. Other fun uses for QR codes

3.2.1. Hipscan

3.2.2. Ice Breaker

3.3. Using Mobile Tech in the Classroom

3.3.1. iPad Educators

4. Gaming in Education

4.1. Melanie McBride: Gaming Guru

4.2. 3D Game Lab: A Review

4.3. Jane McGonigal is my new hero

5. Distance Education

5.1. Adventure Learning (AL)

6. Social/Collaborative


6.2. Epals

6.3. PLEs, PLNs

6.3.1. My Thoughts on PLEs

6.3.2. My Fancy PLN New node

6.3.3. Great Resource for how to create PLNs