The Constellation Tool Box
by Laurie Khorchi

1. Create a SALTy atmosphere
1.1. A Salty playlist
1.2. Compassion exercice
1.3. Ready Pull!
1.4. Energizers
2. How to do it? Action planning
2.1. Chair exercice - Commitment to action and group blessing
2.2. Feedforward
3. What have we learned?
3.1. Creativity to support the sharing of lessons learned
3.1.1. Presentation of "who are we?" step by participants (in French)
3.2. Constellation learning tools
4. Welcome tensions
4.1. The Mandala of our truths
4.1.1. The Mandala of our Truths - A tool to explore tensions - by Célicia Theys
4.2. Speaking circle /Cercle de parole
5. SALT and CLCP introduction
5.1. "A story that resonates"
5.2. "Dancing Jajas" Video projection
5.2.1. Access the film with English subtitles
5.2.2. Accès au film avec des sous-titre en Français