1. WEEK 2 September 19-September 24
1.1. Chapter 1 (Page 8 - 13) Down the rabbit hole
1.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to describe the setting of the hole > Pupil will be able to identify the main character > Pupil will be able to identify the main character actions > Pupil will be able to describe the setting of the hole Was this hole like other holes? What did Alice see in the hole first? (Well with shelves lined with interesting things - From last week) What did Alice see next? (A hall with a table and a golden key on top.) What did Alice see when she opened the small door? What was the garden like? > Pupil will be able to Identify the main character Who do you think is the main character in the story? > Pupil will be able to identify the main character actions What did Alice do when she landed in the hole and saw the White Rabbit? What did Alice do with the golden key on top of the table? What did Alice do when she saw the bottle with label marked "Drink me"? What did Alice do with the cake marked "Eat me"?
1.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify minor character in the text (Rabbit) > Pupil will be able to identify simple cause and effect > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to relate their own life experiences to information in the text by answering questions orally. > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters actions - 'what will he do if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters feelings - 'how will he feel if'
1.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book Alice is the main character. There are a few other minor characters in the story till now. Who are they? Have you ever found any bottle saying "Drink me" or cakes saying "Eat me"? Do you think it is wise to drink out of bottles without knowing what is in it? What happened when she drank the bottle marked "Drink me"? What do you think Alice will do to reach the key on the table? When she drank from the bottle she became small, what do you think will happen when Alice eats the cake? Can you imagine growing very small? How will you feel? What will you do? What if you grew big? How will you feel? What will you do?
1.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students make Bookmarks of their favourite character/thing from the story till now. (They can also take help of the poster in the class)
1.1.5. GRAMMAR OBJECTIVES: > Pupil will be able to identify proper nouns (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify action verbs (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify comparative adjectives (Small, smaller, smallest. Large, larger, largest)
2. WEEK 3 September 26 - October 1
2.1. Chapter 2 (Page 14-18) The pool of tears
2.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect > Pupil will be able to identify main main character and minor character actions. > SWBAT identify main main character and minor character actions. What did Alice do when she grew very big? What was the White Rabbit doing when Alice saw him? What did Alice do with the fan White Rabbit had dropped? > SWBAT identify cause and effect Why did Alice stop crying? What happened when Alice started fanning herself with White Rabbit's fan?
2.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify beginning, middle and end of the chapter orally. > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to relate their own life experiences to information in the text by answering questions orally. > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters actions - 'what will he do if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters feelings - 'how will he feel if'
2.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book How did Alice shrink? What if Alice had kept fanning herself? Where did Alice fall? Which animal did Alice find swimming next to her? Were there other animals too? See the picture and try identifying the animals. How many animals are there in the picture? How small do you think Alice had become? What happened in the beginning of the chapter? What happened in the middle? What happened in the end?
2.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students compare their size to that of smaller and bigger animals. (Approximation)
2.1.5. GRAMMAR: > SWBAT identify and use action verbs in sentence (Forms: past, present, future > SWBAT identify onomatopoeia - "Splash!" (Spiral)
3. WEEK 4 October 3 - October 8
3.1. Chapter 3 (Page 19 - 22) The caucus race
3.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify beginning, middle and end of the chapter by mapping it on a story map. > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect in the chapter. (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify minor character actions. (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify beginning, middle and end of the chapter by mapping it on a story map. What happened in the beginning of the chapter? What happened in the middle? What happened in the end? Note: To be given to plot on the story map only. > Pupil will be able to identify minor characters. (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify minor character actions. (Spiral) Who were the minor characters? What did the Dodo suggest they should do to get dry? What did everyone ask Alice for after the caucus race ended? Who started telling a story? > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect in the chapter. (Spiral) Why did all the creatures leave suddenly when Alice started telling them about Dinah, her cat?
3.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify main character/actions. > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect orally. > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to relate their own life experiences to information in the text by answering questions orally.
3.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book Have you ever seen a Dodo? What kind of creature do you think it is? What did Alice give the creatures as prize? What did Alice give herself as a prize? What normally happens in a race? Do you often race? Are you good at racing? Why/why not? What do you get when you win a race? How could a Caucus race be different from normal races?
3.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students listen to the song "The Caucus Race", sing the song and enact it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peJicJdXPV4 Students make up their own race in the games period. Presentation by each group on Dodo and other extinct animals.
3.1.5. GRAMMAR: > Pupil will be able to identify connecting words in the text and learn so, because (in addition) > Pupil will be able to use connecting words to connect cause with effect in a sentence. > Pupil will be able to identify and use action verbs in sentence (Forms: past, present, future) (Spiral)
3.1.6. ASSIGNMENT: Find out about extinct animals using the Encylopedia in the library.
3.1.7. WRITING: Ask students to imagine they are Alice. Tell them to remember in pairs what has happened to her since she followed the White Rabbit. Encourage them to discuss how she feels. Get feedback and then ask students to write a page of Alice’s diary with pictures about her experience so far.
4. WEEK 6 October 17 - October 22
4.1. Chapter 5 (Page 32 - Page 36) The Caterpillar's advice
4.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES: > Pupil will be able to identify rhyming words in the poem by saying them out loud and identifying the similar ending sounds. > Pupil will be able to identify the mood of the poem as happy/sad/angry by comprehending the main idea that the poet is trying to convey. > Pupil will be able to identify the beat of the poemby listening to it read aloud > Pupil will be able to identify rhyming words in the poem by saying them out loud and identifying the similar ending sounds. > Pupil will be able to identify the mood of the poem as happy/sad/angry by comprehending the main idea that the poet is trying to convey. > Pupil will be able to identify the beat of the poemby listening to it read aloud (Students in each team are divided into two groups: Father William and the son. Students chorally read the poem, alternating stanzas and characters.) Who were the speakers in this poem? (Father William, his son) What is different about what they have to say to each other? (The son asks questions; the father gives answers.) Can you find something funny in the poem? (Allow time to discuss ideas.) Who is the funny speaker in the poem?” (Father William)
4.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify character/actions. > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect. > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to respond to true & false questions > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to use contextual clues in the text to make inferences
4.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book Why did Alice say she wasn't herself? How did the Caterpillar speak? What was the Caterpillar's height? What did the Caterpillar say would make Alice shorter or taller?
4.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students learn about caterpillars and butterflies. Read a book about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
4.1.5. GRAMMAR: > Pupil will be able to identify comparative adjectives in the text and use them in a sentence correctly. > Pupil will be able to identify the past, present, future tenses in the text and use them correctly in a sentence. > Pupil will be able to use connecting verbs correctly in a sentence. (Correct tense)
4.1.6. WRITING: Brainstorm: How would your life be different if you were very tall or very small? What kind of adjustments would you have to make, if it happened to you very suddenly, like Alice? Students write a "Tall Tale" or a "Short Tale" They need to write/draw at least 4 things that will be different if they were a different size.
5. WEEK 1 September 13- September 17
5.1. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify main character in the text > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to relate their own life experiences to information in the text by answering questions orally. > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters actions - 'what will he do if' > Pupil will be able to make predictions about characters feelings - 'how will he feel if'
5.2. Chapter 1 (Pages 3-7) Down the rabbit hole
5.2.1. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book What was Alice doing when she saw the rabbit? Have you ever seen a rabbit with a coat and a watch in real life? Have you seen a rabbit hole? How big do you think rabbit holes are? How was this hole different from the normal rabbit holes? Where do you think Alice would land? (Students discuss the different places the rabbit's hole could lead to)
5.2.2. ACTVITIES: Students use flowers (daisies if they can be found) to make daisy chains. http://www.howcast.com/videos/166638-How-To-Make-a-Daisy-Chain Students play White Rabbit Hop : Materials need: Empty sacks. Put your feet inside and pull them up to hold onto. (You can even tie your legs together at your ankle with some ribbon or string.) Take a piece of string to create a finish line. Hop, Hop, Hop like the White Rabbit, while yelling "I'm late!" The first one to cross the finish line wins!
5.2.3. GRAMMAR OBJECTIVES: > Pupil will be able to identify the use of "Quotation marks". Know that they are used when the character is saying something. > Pupil will be able to use quotation marks in a sentence correctly. > Pupil will be able to identify onomatopoeia - "Thump!" > Pupil will be able to identify nouns. (Spiral) > Pupil will be able to identify Proper nouns. (Spiral)
6. WEEK 5 October 10 - October 15
6.1. Chapter 4 (Page 23 - 30) The White Rabbit's house
6.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to make predictions about what will happen in the story by looking at the pictures before reading. (Oral) > Pupil will be able to sequence events using the keywords "First", "Then", "Next". > Pupil will be able to make predictions about what will happen in the story by looking at the pictures before reading. (Oral) Will she change size again? Will she meet friendly people or animals? Will she feel afraid? > Pupil will be able to sequence events using the keywords "First", "Then", "Next", "Lastly". Students fill in the blanks in sentences starting with First, then, next, last
6.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify character/actions. > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect. > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to respond to true & false questions > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to use contextual clues in the text to make inferences
6.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book What name did the White Rabbit call Alice? Alice drank from the bottle because the label asked her to. (True/False) What do you think happens after Alice drinks from the bottle? Why did Alice tremble? Who do you think shrieked? Who according to you was Pat? (Students look at the picture in the book and use contextual clues in the text to make an inference) Who was Bill? What did he do? What did the White Rabbit, Pat and Bill throw at Alice inside the house? What happened to the pebbles? Where did Alice reach? Who did she see there? Was the Rabbit good or bad to Alice? (Why/Why not?) How do you think the Caterpillar might be to Alice?
6.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students plot the story on a mindmap till now.
6.1.5. GRAMMAR: > Pupil will be able to write opposites of words. (vanished - appeared) > Pupil will be able to identify prepositions and use them in sentences correctly.
6.1.6. WRITING: Brainstorm: How would your life be different if you were very tall or very small? What kind of adjustments would you have to make, if it happened to you very suddenly, like Alice? Students write a "Tall Tale" or a "Short Tale" They need to write/draw at least 4 things that will be different if they were a different size.
7. WEEK 7 November 7 - November 12
7.1. Chapter 6 (Page 37 - 43) Pig and Pepper
7.1.1. MAIN OBJECTIVES: > Pupil will be able to identify rhyming words in the poem by saying them out loud and identifying the similar ending sounds. > Pupil will be able to identify the mood of the poem as happy/sad/angry by comprehending the main idea that the poet is trying to convey. > Pupil will be able to identify the beat of the poemby listening to it read aloud > Pupil will be able to identify rhyming words in the poem by saying them out loud and identifying the similar ending sounds. > Pupil will be able to identify the mood of the poem as happy/sad/angry by comprehending the main idea that the poet is trying to convey. > Pupil will be able to identify the beat of the poemby listening to it read aloud (Students in each team are divided into two groups: Father William and the son. Students chorally read the poem, alternating stanzas and characters.) Who were the speakers in this poem? (Father William, his son) What is different about what they have to say to each other? (The son asks questions; the father gives answers.) Can you find something funny in the poem? (Allow time to discuss ideas.) Who is the funny speaker in the poem?” (Father William)
7.1.2. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES > Pupil will be able to identify character/actions. > Pupil will be able to identify cause and effect. > Pupil will be able to respond to who, what, where and when question in complete sentences (orally) in a few words (written) > Pupil will be able to respond to true & false questions > Pupil will be able to describe what will happen next by make predictions about story events - 'what will happen if' > Pupil will be able to use contextual clues in the text to make inferences
7.1.3. Other Important Discussion Questions during reading of the text inside the book Why did Alice say she wasn't herself? How did the Caterpillar speak? What was the Caterpillar's height? What did the Caterpillar say would make Alice shorter or taller?
7.1.4. ACTVITIES: Students learn about caterpillars and butterflies. Read a book about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
7.1.5. GRAMMAR: > Pupil will be able to identify comparative adjectives in the text and use them in a sentence correctly. > Pupil will be able to identify the past, present, future tenses in the text and use them correctly in a sentence. > Pupil will be able to use connecting verbs correctly in a sentence. (Correct tense)
7.1.6. WRITING: Brainstorm: How would your life be different if you were very tall or very small? What kind of adjustments would you have to make, if it happened to you very suddenly, like Alice? Students write a "Tall Tale" or a "Short Tale" They need to write/draw at least 4 things that will be different if they were a different size.