5 Steps for Effective Feedback
by Olivia Jardine

1. 4. Assess the Event Subjectively
1.1. What are the outcomes from this event on your team member?
1.2. What are the outcomes for the wider team/company?
1.3. What are the onward actions following this event?
1.4. What are your subject reflections on the event (positive or negative)?
2. 5. Share Future Expectations
2.1. What can you and the team member learn from this event?
2.2. What do you expect in the future, following this event?
3. Feedback Checklist
3.1. Be immediate
3.1.1. Provide feedback regularly and immediately, positive or negative
3.2. Be prepared
3.2.1. Be prepared, to ensure your feedback is clear and considered
3.3. Be specific
3.3.1. Be specific, in order to encourage or discourage certain behaviours
3.4. Be empathetic
3.4.1. Even when providing negative feedback, be tough but never mean