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Tech Debt by Mind Map: Tech Debt

1. Services

1.1. Fix profiles in each app

1.2. Improve tests

1.3. Write Pacts

1.4. Remove API modules

1.5. Remove client module

1.6. Remove integration tests where not required

1.7. Introduce test slices

1.8. remove database tables that arent in use

1.9. audit refactor to use message bus

1.10. App profiling for optimum memory use

1.11. Integration tests using DDL from Entities

2. Services pt.2

2.1. Native queries

2.2. Exception printing/handling

2.3. Swagger broken

2.4. Make things proper rest, dont give too much data - be HATEOAS

2.5. Scheduled tasks - running same tasks

2.6. Add sonar configuration to ignore classes

2.7. log rotation

2.8. Remove PersonDTO use PersonV2DTO instead

3. Cloud native

3.1. Configuration server

3.2. Service discovery

3.3. Tracing - Sleuth/Zipkin

3.4. Message bus

3.5. Latency & fault tolerance

3.6. hystrix/ribbon/feign

3.7. Turbine

3.8. Pact broker

4. Misc

4.1. Split DB

4.2. gitflow

4.3. Service recovery

4.4. Golden signals

4.5. Consider GraphQL

4.6. Consider moving all permissions into JWT