Temperature Guide
by Ashlee Steagall
1. The Danger Zone- 35-141 degrees
2. Minimum internal temperatures
2.1. Pork, Beef, Fish, Shell Eggs: 145
2.1.1. New node
2.1.2. New node
2.1.3. New node
2.2. Ground Meat, Injected Meat: 155
2.3. Poultry, Stuffing, Stuffed Meats, Microwave foods: 165
3. Holding Temperature
3.1. Hot foods= 135 degrees and above
3.1.1. New node
3.2. Cold foods = 41 degrees and under
4. Fish Prep
4.1. 140 degrees for 15 seconds
5. Meat Preparation and Handling Temps
5.1. Cooking- Thickest part in two places hold for four 15 seconds= 145 degrees for 4 mins
6. Refrigeration Temp
6.1. 40 degrees or below
7. Storage Temps
7.1. Dry Storage- 50 to 70 degrees
7.1.1. New node