peer pressure

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peer pressure by Mind Map: peer pressure

1. Instead of being a trailblazer, some people feel pressure to be rebellious. This may be because their friends act that way. It may just be because they think that they must be “different” in order to be special. This kind of person may seem very independent on the outside

1.1. this person is still letting peers infl uence his or her identity. In this case, peer pressure is causing this student to run away from the crowd. The peer pressure to not follow the crowd, or not care about fads, can also happen within a clique. In some cliques, there is direct or internal peer pressure to “not do what the popular kids do.”

1.2. Some people who do this are simply being honest. Others, however, are trying to go against the crowd “just because.” They have no reason. When people follow this mind- set, they are still choosing likes and dislikes that are based on what is popular.

1.2.1. Being your own person means examining and judging something—a fad, some music, clothing, or an activity—and then deciding what’s best for yourself. As you go through this process, remember to stay respectful of other people’s choices. If you respect them, they are more likely to respect you. Because most people can do little to naturally change the way they look, it is best to learn to love what you see, writes author Amanda Ford in her book, Be True to Yourself. appearance and body size are only small parts of what makes a person who he or she is— and they are certainly not the most important parts. Instead of admiring people for the way they look, look up to people for what they do

1.3. Assets

2. The peer pressure to solve problems with fi ghting can be very strong. This is especially true when people are in a crowd and an argument begins. With many people watching, the people arguing may feel pressure to fi ght

2.1. When two people get into an argument over a small event, “I’m sorry” may be the only words that these people need to say. However, it may not be so simple if they have not been getting along for a while or if there is a confusing event that happens to make them both angry at each other. For example, if these two people gossip and spread rumors about each other all through the school year, a simple apology may not be enough to fi x the hurt. In some cases, you may decide

2.1.1. the best thing to do is walk away— at fi rst.Take deep breaths and count to 10. Do something to calm down, or fi nd someone to help you. That way, you clear your mind and give yourself time to think.

2.1.2. Next, think about the problem with your clear head. Figure out why you are upset. When some people do this, they realize that the situation was not as big a deal as they thought earlier

2.1.3. Is someone pushing you to do something? > Does this happen a lot? > Are you feeling this upset in this situation because you are really angry about something totally different? > Do you feel like you have to ignore the problem or else you will lose friends

2.2. Tell the person how you feel. Be careful when choosing what you say, and try not to attack the person with your words.

2.2.1. You may discover that he or she is having trouble with something else and did not mean to act meanly toward you. Neither of these things will be clear unless you talk about how you feel.

2.2.2. Professor and researcher Janine Bempechat believes that this “anti- achievement” peer pressure happens to everyone— preteens, teenagers, and adults alike. This may be because some people are afraid they will not look good next to others

2.2.3. There is an idea among many people that not caring about school is funny or admirable. Some psychologists believe that this is because going against an offi cial person such as a teacher or principal can seem rebellious

2.3. The best way to get past this peer pressure is to surround yourself with people who support your goals

2.3.1. The best response to peer pressure is not to conform to what everyone else is doing,

2.3.2. “If you’re too afraid of failure, you’ll never allow yourself to succeed

2.3.3. The second step to standing up against negative peer pressure is to know yourself and know what makes for strong character. Whatever the kind of peer pressure, it is important to take a stand based on your values. The Nemours Foundation’s Web site suggests that, when faced with peer pressure, “paying attention to

2.4. I will stick up for people who are being bullied because I would not want to be bullied myself. > I will be friendly to people I do not know very well because, later on, they could turn out to be good friends. > I will do my own schoolwork and will not be embarrassed to ask for help from a teacher or tutor if I need it. I will do this because I want to do well in school.

2.4.1. I will not make fun of someone else for being different, because everyone is different in some way. > I will not let other people copy my homework just so they can get a better grade. It was their fault for not doing the work themselves, and I should not let them get away with that. > I will not allow others to make me feel like a little kid just because I do not feel comfortable doing something that I believe is wrong or dangerous. I will not let them do this because I know that people who act like that are just trying to feel important. Figure out a plan ahead of time. Brainstorm what you feel comfortable doing or saying in response to peer pressure. > When you fi nd yourself in an uncomfortable situation, stand back and observe for a minute to really see what is going on. > After you have gathered information about the situation, think about your personal values. How do the actions of other people agree or disagree with what you believe is right? > Take action. You could use one of the plans you came up with earlier. You may decide to say something or to ignore the pressure and walk away, depending on what is happening at that moment. You may want to ask for help from someone else, especially if the situation is dangerous. Some day, you may fi nd

2.4.2. Medium Priorities

2.4.3. Low Priorities

3. They will be able to deal with frustration and anger, manage confl ict resolution, overcome prejudice, handle peer pressure, and deal with bullying.

3.1. it is no easy task to be good . . . to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and in the right way, that is not easy; wherefore goodness is both rare and laudable and noble. .

3.2. Goals

3.2.1. a peer could be someone your age in your grade. On the other hand, a person 15 years older than you could also be a peer if, for example, both of you are in the same painting class at a community center. A peer can be someone you know but also someone you do not know, such as a movie actor who is your age.

3.2.2. Internal peer pressure is the kind of pressure that goes on inside a person

3.3. Deliverables

3.3.1. Deliverables It is pressure you put on yourself to conform. A student might conform because he or she does not want to be left out or seem different. Another kind of internal peer pressure is when a student pretends to get bad grades, when in fact he or she gets mostly As. This student may be afraid people will think he or she is too smart and that this may make him or her seem “weird” to others. Good friends will tell you if you are making a mistake or doing something that is possibly dangerous. Friends can also lead you toward healthy, new life experiences, such as giving you the confidence to try out for a play The sense of danger and confusion people sometimes feel from peer pressure is because of two fears: the fear of what will happen if they do give in, and the fear of what will happen if they do not. Wanting to be part of a group and stay in that group is a simple human desire. being honest with yourself. It means keeping your word, whether it is something you say to another person or to yourself.The decision- making parts of the brain were strongest in the volunteers who said that they did not give in to peer pressure.

4. To develop his or her character, a person must understand core virtues, care about them, and act upon them.

4.1. What is included

4.1.1. Researchers as far back as the 1950s have reported that people with low self- esteem and poor confi dence are more likely to conform. Other studies have also found that the bigger the group, the stronger the pressure is to conform.

4.1.2. Many people throughout history have gone against what others have said or done. They have decided for themselves what they wanted to do.

4.2. What is excluded

5. core ethical values as fairness, honesty, responsibility, respect, tolerance of others, fortitude, self-discipline, teamwork, and leadership

5.1. Budget

5.1.1. Materials

5.1.2. Personnel

5.1.3. Services

5.1.4. Duration

5.2. Deadline

5.3. Requirements