1. organelle
1.1. a number of organized or specialized structures within a living cell. That develop the cell functioning.
1.1.1. example: nucelus, ribosomes, golgi body
2. organ
2.1. Made up of two or more types of tissues that together perform a specific task
2.1.1. example: stomach, heart, brain
3. organ system
3.1. Consists of multiple organs that together perform a vital body function.Functions emerge form tissue interactions
3.1.1. Heart has muscle, epithelial, connective and nervous tissue
3.1.2. In some organs tissues are in layers as in the small intestine. Made up of columnar epithelium, smooth muscle, connective tissue and epithelial tissue
3.1.3. Neurons regulate the contraction of muscles
3.1.4. example: digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system
4. organism
4.1. Contains number of organs systems that work together in order for us to function as a coordinated unit
4.1.1. Size and shape are fundamental factors that affect the way organisms interact with their outside
4.1.2. Natural selection occurs when the environment pics the “best” organisms in order to reproduce more, causing evolution. Natural selection diverse organisms facts the dame environmental challenge
4.1.3. Example: humans, dogs, birds, plants
5. cell
5.1. Contract and the stripes of the cell indicate the precise alignment of strands of proteins that perform that function
5.1.1. example: red blood cell
6. tissue
6.1. Is an integrated group of similar cells that perform a common function, and an specific task
6.1.1. mesh work of nonliving fibers and other extracellular substances surrounding living cells
6.1.2. Some tissues are held together by special junctions between adjacent plasma membranes
6.2. Types of tissue
6.2.1. Epithelial Sheets of closely packed together cells that cover your body surface and line your internal organs and cavities. Some exchange fluid and air with other side. The attached to basal lamina has fibrous proteins and separates the tissue. The other side is the apical surface .They might be single or multiple layer. May be squamous, cuboidal and columnar. Squamous epithelial exchanges materials by diffusion. Cuboidal and columnar absorb and secret. Pseudo stratified epithelium forms mucous membrane for protection.
6.2.2. Connective Loose connective tissue: fibers consists of strong, ropelike protein collagen. Bnd epithelial tissues to hold organs Fibrous connective tissue: densely packed parallel bundles of collagen fibers. It is attached to muscles, bones etc. Adipose connective tissue: stores fat in parle, closely packed matrix fibers. Stores body energy and shrinks when used as fuel. Cartilage: connective tissue that is strong, flexible material consisting of collagen . Usually surrounds bones for protection and supports others parts of body Bone: matrix of collagen fibers embedded in a hard mineral made of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate. Making strong and brittle. Containing a canal of blood vessels Blood: transports substances through your body, its extensive extracellular matrix is liquid called plasma made by water, salts and proteins.
6.2.3. Muscle Most abundant tissue in most animals, long cells called muscle fibers containing proteins Skeletal: attached to bones by tendons and is responsible for voluntary movements of body Cardiac muscle: contractile tissue of your heart , involuntary control. Relay on rapid signal from cell to cell during heart beat. Smooth muscle: lack of striations, Found in walls of digestive system
6.2.4. Nervous Senses stimuli and rapidly tasmits information. Found in brain and spinal cord and transmits signals through body. The connective tissue are neurons that chemically transmit the messages by electrical nerve impulses. Consists of axon, dendrites and cell body.