What you like about UGA

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What you like about UGA by Mind Map: What you like about UGA

1. professors/teachers

1.1. ones who bring snacks!

2. Elliot

3. Pizza at Snelling

4. Cookies at Bolton

5. Dinning Hall

5.1. Snelling!!!

6. I really enjoy the food here!

7. The friends I have made

8. The food options

8.1. Mindmeister

8.2. Panda Express in Tate

9. The Philly Cheese Steaks at Snelling

9.1. and the tator tots!

10. the glow of the hot sun rising up from the sea of cars in every parking lot

11. beautiful campus!!

12. The feeling of accomplishment I get when I squeeze my way into the cramped busses. Regardless riding the busses is a great experience.

13. Greek Life

14. Track and Field

15. Intramural Sports

16. literally everything except noon football games

17. the squirrels

18. we dont go to auburn and dont have to say war eagle so that a positive

18.1. Same but with Alabama too

19. All the sports facilities and snacks for athletes

20. Ramsey / Sport Facility

20.1. Jill,

20.2. the gym

21. The beautiful campus

21.1. the seasons

22. The crippling onset depression from sleeping 4 hours a night and getting a 14 on an Ochem test

23. The guide dogs

23.1. Amazing dogs

24. for the competitive sports

25. Bus route

26. variety of clubs/organizations

26.1. free t-shirts

27. study abroad programs

28. Heckin Doggos

29. Kirby Smart

30. Lay-z shopper

30.1. Felix!

31. Marching Band!

31.1. The Majorettes

32. friendly people!!!

33. The BIRDS

34. The comfy chairs in the SLC

35. The really good dining halls.

36. Bolton

37. saturdays in athens!!!

38. Pauleys

39. The football team