Social Cognitive Theory Chapter 6

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Social Cognitive Theory Chapter 6 by Mind Map: Social Cognitive Theory Chapter 6

1. Modeling

1.1. Reinforced by the model

1.1.1. live competent model Prestige and power gender-appropriate relevant

1.1.2. symbolic (book)

1.1.3. verbal instructions

1.2. Reinforced by a third person

1.3. Imitated behavior has positive consequences

1.4. vicarious reinforcement or punishment

1.5. new behaviors

1.6. frequency of previously learned behaviors and of similar (not the same) behaviors

1.7. encourages previously forbidden behaviors

2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior.

2.1. Mental representations

2.2. Learners form outcome expectations; behave in ways that will maximize reinforcement

3. Consequences

3.1. Learners must be aware of response-consequence

3.2. non-occurrence of expected consequences is an influential consequence itself

4. Cognition: must be aware of the response-reinforcement.

4.1. Efficacy expectations

5. Control over actions and environments

6. Delayed imitation

7. Incentive: anticipating a reinforcement

8. Conditions

8.1. Attention

8.2. Rehearsal

8.2.1. Retention (memory codes) Mnemonics Graphics

8.3. Motivation

8.3.1. Intrinsic

8.4. Motor reproduction

8.4.1. chicken, airplane, soldier

9. Self-efficacy

9.1. previous successes and failures

9.2. messages from others

9.3. success and failures of others

9.4. Choice of activities, goals, effort and persistence, learning and achievement

9.4.1. develop self-efficacy

10. Self-regulation

10.1. Set standards and goals

10.2. Self monitoring

10.2.1. Self-observation

10.2.2. Self-evaluation

10.2.3. Self-Reaction

10.2.4. Self-Reinforcement

10.2.5. Self-imposed stimulus control

10.3. Self-instructions

10.3.1. 1. Cognitive modeling New node

10.3.2. 2. Overt, external guidance

10.3.3. 3. Overt self-guidance

10.3.4. 4. Faded, overt self-guidance

10.3.5. 5. Covert self-instruction