Narrative story - wanting peace

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Narrative story - wanting peace by Mind Map: Narrative story - wanting peace

1. Plot

1.1. 1st my character will be in the office hearing all the office sounds, smelling the old food and thinking about how stressed she is.

1.2. 2nd my character will drift off to thinking about a more peaceful life. But then a huge stack of more paperwork is dumped on my desk.

1.3. 3rd. I get up but my cold coffee spills all over my nearly finished deadline. I feel like I will cry. I run to get a cloth to clean it up, but trip up on the way.

1.4. Lastly, I pick myself up, clean up the mess - get on with the work, hand it in. Leave work late. Sitting on the train home listening to the click clack of the train I drift off in exhaustion from the day.

2. Character:

2.1. What she wants - less work, peace and quiet

2.2. Why does the character want it: has been working hard to meet a deadline at work, wondering if the rat race she feels like she is on is worth it.

2.3. What is the journey your character will take? My character will struggle through her day at the office. Things will go wrong along the way. She will collapse in a heap and wonder about how things could be different.

3. Setting

3.1. What I see is a crowded office space, city, a desk piled high

3.2. What I hear is phones ringing, people talking on the phone, papers shuffling.

3.3. What I think is busy thoughts, that I can not keep up, that I am anxious

3.4. What I am feeling is pressured, worried about meeting my deadline

3.5. What I smell is burnt coffee and stale donuts