Relaxation oasis

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Relaxation oasis by Mind Map: Relaxation oasis

1. About me

1.1. Juliana Valenti

1.2. 16 years old

1.3. Born and raised in New York, Long Island

1.4. pictures of myself

2. Tips

2.1. Drink plenty of water

2.2. Get at least 8 hours of sleep

2.3. Come open minded

3. Contact

3.1. 631-878-2389

3.1.1. [email protected]

4. Methods used for relaxation

4.1. Polarity

4.2. Yoga

4.3. Massage

4.4. hypnosis

4.5. manicure and pedicure

5. FAQ

5.1. How do these methods help?

5.2. What should I expect?

5.3. how can I prepare?

6. Home Page

6.1. All about relaxation

6.1.1. pictures of relaxed people

7. Deal of the day

7.1. Massage Monday

7.2. half off meditation tuesdays

7.3. hypnosis sundays