Personal Development at ECU

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Personal Development at ECU by Mind Map: Personal Development at ECU

1. Plan

1.1. Career

1.2. Decisions

1.3. Goals

1.4. Research

1.5. Advice

2. References

2.1. Oral Source

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Video 1

2.2.1. ECU Careers and Leadership Services.(2014a, February 19). Are you a new Student at ECU? (a)

2.3. Video 2

2.3.1. Our Peer Mentoring Program can help your transition into uni Life [Video file]. (b)

2.4. Video 3

2.4.1. Retrieved from YouTube (c)

3. Questions

3.1. What will i learn from these videos?

3.2. How Will these videos help me?

4. Progress

4.1. Education

4.2. Future Opprtunities

4.3. Job Opportunities

5. Peers

5.1. Mentor

5.2. Diversity

5.3. Culture

5.4. Program

5.5. Help

5.6. People

6. Skills

6.1. Confidence

6.2. Abilities

6.3. Development

6.4. Expand

6.5. Self Awareness

6.6. Outlook

7. Summary

7.1. At ECU, Establishing Connections with peers is very important for support and seeking advice. The skills developed at Ecu will allow you to increase confidence, self awareness, skills and knowledge. Planning for the future is crucial in determining what is required in choosing a career path. Progress in Education will allow for greater personal development and professional development.