Anxiety Remedies Website

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Anxiety Remedies Website by Mind Map: Anxiety Remedies Website

1. About Me

1.1. Passion, history, background

1.1.1. social media

2. Contact Page

2.1. general info about users

2.1.1. emails/phone numbers

3. Strategic Planning

3.1. mind map

3.1.1. mind meister

4. Reference

4.1. citing

4.1.1. websites/apps used in making the page

5. Resource

5.1. what the page offers

5.1.1. pictures/videos

6. Remedies

6.1. Suggested techniques

6.1.1. apps

7. Videos

7.1. different video links

7.1.1. videos

8. Hotlines

8.1. specific hotlines for help

8.1.1. social medias

9. History

9.1. history of anxiety

9.1.1. photos/Google form

10. Tag Line- this cite's purpose is to help people find techniques to help calm their anxiety down.