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Input 저자: Mind Map: Input

1. Pointing Devices

2. Pen Input or digital pen

3. Game Controllers

3.1. Gamepads

3.2. Joysticks and Wheels

3.3. Light guns

3.4. Dance pads

3.5. Motion‐sensing controllers

4. Digital Cameras

4.1. Studio cameras

4.2. Field cameras

4.3. Point-and-shoot camera

5. Voice Input

6. The Keyboard

6.1. Character you type will appear.

6.1.1. Wired Keyboards USB port Keyboard port

6.1.2. Wireless Keyboards Bluetooth IrDA

7. Pointing Devices

7.1. Mouse

7.2. Trackball

7.3. Touchpad

7.4. Pointing Stick

8. Touch Screens and Touch‐Sensitive Pads

9. Video Input

10. Scanners and Reading Devices

10.1. Flatbed

10.2. Pen or Handheld

10.3. Sheet-fed

10.4. Drum

10.5. Optical character recognition (OCR)

10.6. A turnaround document

10.7. Optical mark recognition (OMR)

10.8. A bar code reader,

10.9. An RFID reader

10.10. Magnetic stripe card readersread