Exhibition-It's about the journey!

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Exhibition-It's about the journey! by Mind Map: Exhibition-It's about the journey!

1. Reflecting on the journey

1.1. Students share what they have learned about their chosen exhibition topics/concepts and what they learned about the process of their inquiry.

1.2. Mentors reflect on how their student groups collaborated, received feedback, and improved on their learning.

1.3. Teachers and leadership reflect on the learning based on the presentations and their connection to the goals of the PYP. How can we make the journey better?

2. The beginning of the journey

2.1. Background Knowledge-All of these elements must be an integral part of your school's context and culture from the early years to the final year of the students' PYP experience in order for exhibition to be successful. The journey begins with PreK /K students and teachers.

2.1.1. Skills

2.1.2. Concepts

2.1.3. Learner Profile

2.1.4. Assessment

2.1.5. International-mindedness

3. Participating in the Journey

3.1. Students and mentors meet to share ideas and give feedback throughout the process.

3.2. Students use inquiry to Learn-Share-Receive Feedback-Revise their exhibition project.

3.3. Students and mentors make a difference based on their learning and experience, and take action based on their inquiries.

4. How is the journey structured

4.1. Collaborative inquiry based on open communication between students, mentors and teachers.

4.1.1. Essential Agreements should be agreed upon for timing, collaboration, communication, and overall expectations.

4.1.2. The journey is focused on student agency and learning.

4.1.3. Central ideas, lines of inquiry, success criteria, goals of learning, recording and presentation of the learning

5. Who participates in the journey

5.1. The Learning Community-All members of the school's community has the opportunity to participate in the journey of exhibition.

5.1.1. Students in their final year of the PYP.

5.1.2. Mentors-All teacher, including specialists; members of the wider school commhnity should be encourged to particpate, especillay those with speicalized knowledge of the topics/concepts chosen by the students.