American Dream — A country like no other

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American Dream — A country like no other by Mind Map: American Dream — A  country like no other

1. The American century

1.1. rise to a a economic and military leadership

1.2. last left standing superpower after the end of the Cold War

1.3. attacks of 11 September 2001 leaded to economic Desaster

1.3.1. housing crisis

2. opportunities

2.1. freedom from political and religious persecution

2.2. expanded west-ward to find natural resources

2.3. availability of cheap farmland

2.4. self-made millionaire

3. The Founding Fathers

3.1. idea of enlightenment

3.2. founded the United States of America

3.2.1. self-governing republic

3.2.2. no social barriers

3.2.3. expected to collapse by the crowned heads of Europe

3.2.4. instead became a world power

4. principles

4.1. values

4.2. equality

4.3. democracy

4.4. individual freedom