Coastal Waste Management Address: 10 Queen St #205 Perth WA 6000 Australia Phone: (08) 6117 4304 ...

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Coastal Waste Management Address: 10 Queen St #205 Perth WA 6000 Australia Phone: (08) 6117 4304 Website: Created in 2005, Coastal Waste Management has been generating good quality waste management services and products for more than 13 years. Coastal Waste is handled to eliminate the amount of waste that is taken to disposal areas by recycling and beneficial reuse of the waste we collect. By sorting recyclable waste, we are contributing a Zero Waste ideology and being proactive in the preservation of our environment. The Coastal Waste ideology is to reuse and reduce landfill waste, generating an improved environment for future generations. We adopt and implement the newest in waste management technology and are always considering new and effective ways to boost productivity and efficiency, which enables to keep costs low for our customers. by Mind Map: Coastal Waste Management Address: 10 Queen St #205 Perth WA 6000 Australia Phone: (08) 6117 4304 Website:  Created in 2005, Coastal Waste Management has been generating good quality waste management services and products for more than 13 years. Coastal Waste is handled to eliminate the amount of waste that is taken to disposal areas by recycling and beneficial reuse of the waste we collect. By sorting recyclable waste, we are contributing a Zero Waste ideology and being proactive in the preservation of our environment.  The Coastal Waste ideology is to reuse and reduce landfill waste, generating an improved environment for future generations. We adopt and implement the newest in waste management technology and are always considering new and effective ways to boost productivity and efficiency, which enables to keep costs low for our customers.