Computer Careers and Certification

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Computer Careers and Certification by Mind Map: Computer Careers and Certification

1. New node

2. Certification

2.1. Application software

2.2. Operating System

2.3. Programming

2.4. Hardware

2.5. Networking

2.6. Digital forensics

2.7. security

2.8. The internet

2.9. Database system

3. Careers in computer industry

3.1. IT department

3.1.1. Management

3.1.2. System development and programming

3.1.3. Technical service

3.1.4. Operation

3.1.5. Training

3.1.6. Security

3.2. Computer equipment field

3.2.1. Companies that design

3.2.2. manufacture

3.2.3. Produce computer and devices

3.3. Computer software field

3.3.1. Project leader

3.3.2. Project manager

3.3.3. Desktop or mobile application

3.3.4. Technical lead

3.3.5. Software engineer

3.3.6. Computer scientist

3.4. Computer service and repair field

3.4.1. preventive maintenance

3.4.2. computer installation

3.4.3. Repair services

3.5. Computer sales

3.6. Computer education and training field

3.7. IT consulting