Interactions of a clinical research associate
by Marwa Maher
1. Participants
1.1. verbal communication which is mainly during regular visits and also on phone .
1.2. Written communication: through emails or forms to be filled
1.3. Non -verbal communication: including a positive body language reflected on a smile , an appearance of interest ,attention and consideration.
2. clinical site monitors
2.1. Verbal communication in meetings and on phone
2.2. written communication in the form of felling forms and other trial related documents.
2.3. non verbal communication plays an important role to initiate confidence and trust in the site efficiency.
3. Research ethic Board
3.1. written communication in the form emails or forms to be completed and sent
3.2. Sometimes verbal communication during meetings .
4. Principal investigator
4.1. written communication through emails, presentations and study documents
4.2. Verbal communication in meetings or through the phone
4.3. non verbal communication sometimes through tone of voice or facial expressions on a meeting.
5. Clinical research coordinator
5.1. verbal communication mostly as they usually have daily meetings either physically or by phone or even video call
5.2. Written communication through emails or any study related documents
5.3. Non verbal communication through gesture ,head nodding and eye contact
6. Sponsores
6.1. verbal communications whether in meetings or online video call
6.2. written communication is more predominant through emails
6.3. non verbal communication ,especially a positive body language, in the initial meetings gives a good feedback .
7. clinical trial managers
7.1. verbal communication sometimes in a meeting or phone
7.2. Written communication through emails
8. Research nurses and clinical stuff
8.1. verbal in site communication or through the phone
8.2. written communication through email or daily paper work or lab work
8.3. non verbal communication usually facial expression and tone of voice
9. Data analysist
9.1. verbal communication usually on phone and some times on meetings
9.2. written communication through emails or through statistical documents shared and revised