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Management by Mind Map: Management

1. 1.Skills of a Manager

1.1. Competence to earn and create Value

1.2. Planning and Organization

1.3. Monitor Progress and Quality

1.4. Lead and motivate

1.5. Network

2. Structure of Organisation

2.1. General Managers

2.2. Functional Managers

2.2.1. staff managers

2.3. Project Managers

2.4. Entrepreneurs

3. Resources Needed/ Required by the manager

3.1. In Tangible Resources (information, reputation)

3.2. Tangible resources (Physical Assets)

3.3. Competency - Skills, procedures which enables efficient use of resources

4. Management Models; Differences

4.1. Pfeffer and Sutton Model

4.2. Alan Fox Model

4.3. Gareth Morgan

4.4. Frederick Taylor

4.5. Frank and Lilian

5. Definition of a manager

5.1. Activity of getting things done with the aid of Resources (human and non-human resources)