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1. MATHEMATICAL FUNCTION- There is four function which is Sqrt (N), Abs (N), Round (N, n1), Integer (N), Random and Sign (N)

2. STRING FUNCTION- There is four function : mid (S, n1, n2),Return a set of n2 characters starting at n1 un the string S. Left (S,n),returns a set of n character of the left side string S. Right (S,n),returns a set of n characters on the right side string. Length (S), returns the number of chracters in the string S.

3. STATISTICAL FUNCTION- There is four statistical function which is average, that mean returns the average of a list of numbers. Max, returns the maximum value from a list of a numbers. Min, returns the minimum value from a list of a numbers. Sum, returns the sum of a list of a numbers.

4. UTILITY FUNCTION- There is three utility function date, time and error . Return the current date from the system. Return the current time from the system and return control to the progran when a systems error occurs.

5. CONVERSION FUNCTION- Value and string which mean returns a string value into a numeric valeu and changes a numeric value into a string value.