1. Culmination: Seth Lowe Resource Website
1.1. age-appropriate resources copied/pasted onto site
1.2. student photos, voices, etc. uploaded to site
1.3. site to be linked on the 1st grade class page
2. Digital media skills
2.1. Internet research - finding relevant info on a page you provide
2.2. Introduction to multimedia production software (iMovie/voicethread/podcasting)
2.3. Intro to photos (scavenger hunt of details in the park)
3. Media literacy concepts
3.1. People get information from various media
3.2. Matching images of park with info in iMovie/voicethread
3.3. Multimedia production is similar to writing
3.4. Videos/podcasts are constructed by people
4. Potential Production Activities
4.1. recorded interviews
4.1.1. protocols
4.1.2. follow up questions
4.2. Seth Low Website Production
4.2.1. digesting resources
4.2.2. reposting the primary sources are on a google site
4.2.3. looking at the images first, then read for information
4.3. models
4.3.1. indigo project
4.3.2. coney island oral history blog
4.4. digital photography (group?)
4.4.1. Rhys models a lesson on close-up, mid-shot, wide shot, and framing listen to a passage read aloud about Seth Lowe park for kids (put them on the SMART board) kids: draw a picture that would go along with one of the statements (kids choose one) rhys: use photobooth to capture kids sketches discuss - framing the important info: use SMARTBOARD tools to re-frame sketches as close-ups mid shots & wide shots why did you draw close ups, mid shots or wide shots? how could the same idea be shown in a wide shot (what was left out/what could be left out?
4.4.2. kids take photos in the park based on storyboards, and/or lists of visual details of the park from the texts that they read for photos
4.4.3. add them to a picasa slideshow on the website
4.5. voicethread.com summaries (group)
4.5.1. have kids decide what images they need to support 5 statements about what they learned
4.5.2. gather images from park, interviews, web...
4.5.3. upload images from: park, interviews, web to VT
4.5.4. record big idea summaries of what they learned to images in VT why interview people? what were our interview questions who was Seth Lowe? (5 pics, 5 facts?) where is Seth Lowe Park? (map)
4.5.5. 5 pics, 5 statements?
4.5.6. post to the website
4.6. video interviews (group)
4.6.1. upload raw interviews to the website (no editing)
4.6.2. one kid camera
4.6.3. one kid asks questions
4.7. simulate the speech by opening of B Bridge (group)
4.7.1. separate the speech into X lines. record X kids reading lines in front of a green screen. superimpose BBridge behind them.
4.8. community walk virtual tour (group)
4.8.1. have a group take photos on walk
4.8.2. upload photos with captions to the website in a slideshow
5. New node
6. Resources
6.1. brooklyn historical society
6.2. primary source docs
6.3. article about birds, silk road (historical context)
6.4. how S Lowe designed a moving sidewalk
6.5. teachers work with Rhys to create a resource website of the above
7.1. reading info texts
7.1.1. Conducting interviews Asking follow up questions about interviews Summarizing info from interviews
7.1.2. Web research
7.2. writing
7.2.1. Turning interview summaries into narration
8. Essential Questions
8.1. who is seth lowe?
8.1.1. did a lot for the city
8.1.2. concerned about education