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In The Classroom by Mind Map: In The Classroom

1. In Cyberspace (sharing/collaborating with others)

1.1. Posts

1.1.1. Questions

1.1.2. Student Generated Work Ideas Questions Videos Experiments

1.1.3. Videos

1.1.4. Experiments & Results

1.2. Chats & Discussions

1.3. Blogs

1.4. Wiki's

1.5. Research/Resources

1.6. Social Media

1.6.1. Facebook

1.6.2. Twitter

1.7. Games

2. In the Real-World (interacting with real-world scientists/professionals)

2.1. Live Chats with Real Scientists

2.2. Streaming Videos/Webinars

2.3. Current Events "Seed News"

2.4. Real World Problems/Challenges

2.5. Q & A Sessions

2.6. Career-Oriented Info (Resources)

2.7. Teacher-Training

3. Beyond the Classroom

3.1. Exhibitions

3.2. Science Fairs

3.3. Presentations

3.4. Challenges/Competitions

3.5. Collaborations

3.6. Social Media

4. Technology

4.1. Computer Based Work

4.2. Smart Boards

4.3. Games

4.4. Smart Phone Apps

5. On the Website

5.1. Instructional Videos/Webinars

5.2. Learning Activities

5.3. Graphics/Iconographics

5.4. Games

5.5. Downloads (pdfs)

5.6. Resources (links)

6. back to... The Classroom & Local Community

6.1. Share (what we've learned)

6.1.1. Other Students Inspire Excite Spread

6.1.2. Teachers-Teachers Share Collaborate Revise

6.1.3. Parents

6.1.4. Community

6.2. Assess (what we have achieved)

6.3. Revise (what we can improve)

7. Hands on Learning

7.1. Investigate/Question

7.2. Research

7.3. Experiment

7.4. Debate/Discuss

7.5. Hypothesize

7.6. Field Trips

7.7. Guest Speakers