Profile: Warwick Brown | Account Manager Tips

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Profile: Warwick Brown | Account Manager Tips by Mind Map: Profile: Warwick Brown | Account Manager Tips

1. Role and Responsiblities

1.1. Part of the leadership team

1.2. Has a team of 4 procurement managers reporting into him

1.3. EMEA responsiblities - frequently travels to Germany and France.

2. Goals

2.1. Reduce category spend by 10%

2.2. Integrate purchase order system into supply chain

3. Personality

3.1. Direct. Says what he means

3.2. Likes process

3.3. Expects you to have done your homework

3.4. Responds to data

3.5. Appreciates quality - not always looking to save mone

4. Skills

5. Interests

5.1. Fitness

5.2. Cinema

5.3. Travel

6. Personal Details