"the medium is the message" - an ideology, enigmatic paradox

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"the medium is the message" - an ideology, enigmatic paradox by Mind Map: "the medium is the message" - an ideology, enigmatic paradox

1. medium

1.1. industry/industrial era

1.1.1. industrial era took away chaos, beauty, unpredictability

1.1.2. made things we able to produced at a greater quantity (a larger scale) at a faster rate --> sped everything up mass production made things more accessible

1.2. printing press

1.2.1. standardized duplicates

1.3. losses

1.3.1. personal touch

1.3.2. emotion

1.3.3. presence in actual moment

1.3.4. in person, face-to-face interaction and communication

1.3.5. forgetfulness - the more you say things out loud/repeat the more you remember/sticks with you

1.3.6. the raw, first draft vs the edited version with no mistakes or flaws

1.3.7. author's essence their font, voice, actions and physical energy

1.4. gains

1.5. speed of dissemination but also production

1.6. accessibility

1.7. easier, cheaper to produce

1.8. literacy race boosted

1.9. ideas spread quicker i.e: religion

1.10. rational thought - edited, fixed, improved

1.11. unanticipated circumstances

1.11.1. things the creator didn't consider when creating therefore is a surprise to when created or

1.11.2. i.e: literacy age - forced people to become more literate --> results can be good or bad but are unpredicted and unexpected

1.12. any extension of oursleves

1.12.1. clothes are an extension of skin

1.12.2. language is extension of thoughts speech is funny though reversing senses - senses bring the world into our mind but speech takes our mind out to the world language extends our thoughts into the world and into the minds of others

1.12.3. social interdependence: being mutually reliant on one another (mediums of media and humans) --> money, consumption, activity

1.12.4. wheel is extension of the foot

1.12.5. our contacts in phone is an extension of our memory of contacts and phone numbers


1.13.1. emotion is a key element - how things are shared, disseminated - the interaction between the medium of tech to human or human to human

1.14. form/content

1.14.1. letters/thoughts

1.15. changes the way humans interact, changes society and the environment

2. media

2.1. media is the (our) environment

2.1.1. envelopes, immerses us

2.1.2. change in media = change in society

2.2. naive perception to think media can only be technological

2.3. "societies have always been shaped more by the nature of media by which men communicate [rather] than by the content of the communication"

2.3.1. personal, political, economical, moral, ethical, social, aesthetic, environmental, physical, psychological

3. sense ratios

3.1. sense perceptions: what your senses make you perceive

3.2. before we had language how did we think? this makes me feel this, this makes me taste this, this smells is enjoyable not enjoyable (avoid, attract)

3.3. media alters our sense ratios and when ratios change, HUMANS CHANGE - just natural the way/how we perceive things change, therefore the way we act changes

3.3.1. how we think is how we act "the need to understand the effects of the extensions of man become more urgent by the hour"

3.3.2. through this humans learn, grow, change, adapt

3.4. internalizing - incorperating

3.4.1. we often internalize then move on and forget

3.5. the frequency and impact of the senses - how much you sense from touch, taste, sight, hear, smell

3.6. adopting a new medium = rearrangement of sense ratios

3.6.1. experience, interaction, programming

4. the environment

4.1. the media is our environment

4.1.1. "media changes the whole environment"

4.2. environments are invisible

4.2.1. media is pervasive, constant

4.3. environmental privileges: certain benefits, advantages that are given, granted due to the environment one individual is surrounded or immersed in

4.3.1. i.e: rusty nail --> could kill ya but could also have no impact (this whole thing is an analogy to society) some people who have their tetnus shot, will be fine because they are immune - the environment they live in provides them with the resources to be so body has adpated to environment the nail was the initiator, set the reaction of the body to the nail in motion other people may die though - they may not live in an environment that gives them the access or experiences to become immune

4.3.2. different environment have different effects i.e: humans who get bali belly vs those who don't --> Asians tend to not get bali belly cause we have immune resistance and experience

4.4. it's not the tech that changes people but the environment

4.5. acoustic space: a space enveloping one of sound - derived of information spread via by mouth (orally)

4.6. environment changes with technology

4.6.1. i.e: environment changing when technology doesn't work or is no longer accesible

5. message

5.1. the change of scale, pace, or pattern

5.2. not about content but the change(s) the content initiates


5.3.1. i.e: the news aren't the message but it's the change it society's political attitude - the shift in understanding, opinion it creates

5.4. the content = the audience, the consumers

5.4.1. often times, people who are looking for information are no longer seen as curious individuals wanting to be educated but just simply as consumers - a target for mass media producers to force feed and saturate them in media

6. Marshall McLuhan

6.1. medium theory

6.1.1. media bias studies effects of media, different types of media enable different types of people different types of societies and cultures to emerge or form certain technologies enable certain societies

6.2. medium is the message

6.2.1. being conditioned to act or think a certain way

6.3. "everyone is a sage"

6.3.1. everyone believes they are wise - thinking you are smarter or more educated

6.4. global village

6.4.1. the concept that one can have a global reach - a central point where information can be uploaded, shared, spread, and discussed simultaneously a global audience and community --> 1 village of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people

6.4.2. speed, scope, reach, depth someone is one click away from being in your/their presence surrounded by your walls

6.5. the ground:

6.5.1. the extensions of a frame: you are in the room with it but it also in the room with you surrounded by your ground i.e: seeing the Mona Lisa everywhere you can consume anything, anywhere what's outside the frame is entirely up to you // seeing things in the context of your own life

6.5.2. the things you don't immediately notice

6.5.3. the effects are the ground car on the road is "a figure in a ground of services"

7. Harold Innis

7.1. Historian, economist - studied ancient economies

7.2. Babylon vs Rome

7.2.1. Babylon - used stone: heavy, immobile ideas transferred slowly, therefore their civilization and culture formed slower

7.2.2. different types of mediums enable different types of people

7.2.3. Rome - used paper: mobile, light ideas were spread quick, far quicker development of their civilization, culture

7.3. technologies have bias towards (enable/favour) certain societies

8. massage

8.1. they way we have been conditioned to think, act, believe

8.1.1. having a significant influence or determine (the manner or outcome of something) usually constant and consistent exposure or pattern of behaviour due to being subjected to certain circumstances or situations/experiences --> being massaged

8.2. i.e: propaganda material massages us to believe a certain idea or ideology


8.3.1. media affects humans but humans also affect media; trying to understand ourselves and the media that engulfs us

8.4. noticing one thing and not even bothering to look further, to further question

8.5. humans absorb technology

8.5.1. absorb and not really think about, just move on and forget i.e: not noticing technology until it doesn't work

8.6. the effects are the massage

9. tools

9.1. things we use to make our lives simpler

9.1.1. we shape the tools we use but they shape us too

9.1.2. i.e: our phones

9.2. kaleidoscope - continually shifting pattern, scene, or of the like

10. different ages (3):

10.1. oral age

10.1.1. ear; transmitted via mouth emotional - conveyance, interaction - was evident and natural - you couldn't take things back attached --> empathy, sympathy can't spread too quickly or widely due to proximate limits - you heard news from someone near you tell those near you and let the message spread - person to person non-linear because so many different noises, biases at the same time multiple POVs - hard to consolidate 1 single point --> simultaneous info at once (chaos!!) therefore no real POV acoustic space - enveloped by sound

10.2. literacy age

10.2.1. transmitted via paper, tangible mediums people had to learn how to write and read (literate) --> unanticipated result can be hard to interpret with oral age you could still explain physically - only so much a paper can capture

10.2.2. detachment from actual person

10.2.3. rationality reason and fact

10.2.4. a different kind of slow takes time for people to read and process BUT has a further range - info can be widely disseminated

10.2.5. organized! w/ oral age it could get messy and incorrect real quick - 1 person says something wrong in the statement and everything gets messed up

10.2.6. EDITED - in oral you couldn't take back what you said but in literacy you can edit and rephrase - editing and manipulation

10.2.7. Has POV

10.2.8. linear rather than simultaneous

10.2.9. visual environment compared to an acoustic environment

10.3. electronic age

10.3.1. "age of anxiety" anxiety: trying to do today's task with yesterday's tools --> things are constantly changing, evolving, and one must stay up to date to stay relevant

10.3.2. electronic tech. fosters and encourages unification and involvement"

10.3.3. a subject in the environment shapes you i.e: media tells you everything and shapes you - intentional or not merging - intertwining, interweaving

10.3.4. attached but also detatched

10.3.5. immediate - things are spread almost instantly "today action and reaction occur almost at the same time"

10.3.6. SUPER DUPER EDITED every piece of media is cultivated to be portrayed or shown in a certain way

10.3.7. constant change "you never walk in the same river twice" always changing, never the same

10.3.8. less private once on the internet, forever on the internet

10.3.9. series of organized units in an disorganized manner

10.3.10. mass media - mass feeling of media, grand exposure //information overload --> overwhelming, desensitize, lack of sympathy

10.3.11. emotional? not emotional? --> debatable emotional: stress, anxiety, tension, excitement "the aspiration of our time for wholeness, empathy, and depth of awareness is a natural adjunct of electric technology" - staying woke to keep up anxiety: trying to do today's task with yesterday's tools --> things are constantly changing, evolving, and one must stay up to date to stay relevant not emotional: numbness, no conveyance of emotion, detachment, dissociation from real human interaction, physical presence and action i.e: using emojis to convey our feelings and tone ridiculously edited - not truly representative of what/how they feel "we acquired the art of carrying out the most dangerous social operations with complete detachment"