Victorian Age

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Victorian Age by Mind Map: Victorian Age

1. Great Exhibition of 1851

1.1. Housed in the Crystal Palace

1.2. Goods coming from all over the Empire were exhibited

1.3. Invention of the railway, electricity, photograph and the Penny Post 

2. Poor people lived in the slums

2.1. They were characterized by squalor, illnesses and crimes

2.2. atmosphere was polluted

2.3. the Government promoted a campaign against national ill health

3. abolition of the slave trade and of slavery from the British Empire.

3.1. change of the coloniser's mission who has to educate the native population

3.1.1. 'white man's burden'

4. family

4.1. hypocrisy

4.2. patriarchal unit

4.3. men represented the authority

4.4. importance of the bible

4.5. Greed for material success

4.6. Moral teaching in art

5. crime and violence

5.1. prison act from 1865 to 1877

5.1.1. prisons under Government control

5.1.2. new police forces

5.2. the most common crime was garrotting

5.3. domestic violence tended to be committed in the private sphere of the home

5.4. criminals were considered

5.4.1. from the lowest class

5.4.2. at the end of this period they were considered people who suffered from behavioural abnormality

6.  Factory act of 1847

6.1. It restricted the working hours to 10 hours per day.

7. Darwin

7.1. "On the origin of species" published in 1859

7.1.1. he talks about natural selection H. Spencer applied this theory to social life.

7.1.2. first detachment from the bible

8. universal suffrage for men.

9. New aesthetic theories

9.1. it began in France with T.Gautier in the last decades of the 19th century

9.1.1. "Art for Art's sake"

9.2. birth of the bohemien

9.2.1. sloppy artist

10. Queen Victoria

10.1. Victoria became queen at the age of 18

10.2. Her reign was the second longest in British history

10.3. in 1840 she married a German prince, Albert of Saxe-Coburg

11. Marx published the communist manifesto (1849)

12. Stamp Newspaper Public electric lighting Invention of the telephone Invention of cinema (France, Lumiere brothers)

13. increasing turn towards romanticism and mysticism.

14. The main political parties were the Whigs, the Conservatives and the Labour Party.

15. Novels became the most popular form of literature.

15.1. Main source of entertainment for the middle-classes

15.2. They published their works in installments in literary periodicals

15.2.1. It created expectation in readers

15.3. They denounced the injustices and unfairness of society

15.4. The authors analyzed the psychology of the characters

15.5. Many novels were written by women

15.5.1. They used a pseudonym in order to see their works in print

15.6. The narrator erected a rigid barrier between right and wrong

15.7. The setting was the city

15.8. The plot was long and complicated

15.9. tha main theme was beauty (for example "The picture of Dorian Gray")

16. England changed from a rural, agricultural country to an urban, industrialised one.

17. It began in 1837 and ended with Queen Victoria's death in 1901

18. society

18.1. aristocracy

18.2. working-class

18.3. middle class

19. inventions

20. imperialism

20.1. The british empire was another reason for the sense of unity and stability (British Empire included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, Kenya, and India.)