Criteria for Curriculum submission to South African Nursing Council

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Criteria for Curriculum submission to South African Nursing Council by Mind Map: Criteria for Curriculum submission to South African Nursing Council

1. Details required for approval

1.1. Name of insituition

1.2. vision and mission

1.3. process of achiving vision and mission

1.4. philosophical assumptions

1.5. purpose and characteristics

1.6. rationale within context of human resources for national health needs

1.7. statement of intent

1.8. Programme

1.8.1. type and specification outcomes graduate/diplomate attributes and competencies duration composition of theory and practica

1.8.2. Applicable legislation

1.8.3. minimum admission requirements

1.8.4. learning assumed to be in place

1.8.5. recognition of prior learning

1.8.6. designators

1.8.7. qualifiers

1.8.8. work integrated learning

1.8.9. assessment

1.8.10. progression

1.8.11. articulation

1.8.12. human resources responsible and involved

1.8.13. material resources and infrastructure

1.8.14. international comparability

1.8.15. Annexures

1.8.16. Level descriptor Scope of knowlege knowledge literacy method and procedure problem solving ethics and professional practice assessing ,processing and managing information producing and communicating information context and systems

2. Legislative framework

2.1. Constitution Act 108 1996

2.2. Higher Education Act 101 1997

2.3. National qualifications act

2.4. Nursing Act 33 2005

2.5. Higher education amendment act 67 2005

3. Criteria for approval of clinical facilities

3.1. Situational analysis

3.2. Service level agreement

3.2.1. financial arrangement and responsibilities

3.2.2. quality assurance of learning and facilitation

3.2.3. time and duration of student placement

3.2.4. geographical aspects

3.2.5. assessment of learning Who,what,when,how and where

3.2.6. placements and focus of learning in line with exit level outcomes

3.2.7. travel and accomodation

3.3. annexures

4. Curriculum mapping

4.1. Module names, level descriptors, NQF level,credits,year/semester

4.2. Module level

4.2.1. Constructive alignment: learning outcome& teaching & learning strategy and methods

4.3. unit level

4.3.1. constructive alignment:student-lecturer interaction,weekly teaching schedules,formative assessment

4.4. Curriculum

4.4.1. cognitive, psychomotor & affective domains

4.4.2. knowledge dimensions

4.4.3. graduate attributes and critical cross-fields outcomes

4.4.4. level descriptors

4.5. Teaching and learning activities

4.5.1. Learning activity

4.5.2. resource type,use and cost

4.6. Assessment tasks

4.6.1. Type,instrument,number,weighting

4.6.2. Assessment policy,moderation policy

4.6.3. Appeals policy

5. Reference: Curriculum Framework for entry levels of nursing. From :