Powerful Social Studies

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Powerful Social Studies by Mind Map: Powerful Social Studies

1. Meaningful

1.1. The project was made authentic and related back to the students background knowledge causing them to be more engaged.

2. Integrative

2.1. The project connected cross-curricular as students were asked to choose a role in their groups. These roles linked to Language Arts (Oral/Written), Art (Drawings), Math (Finding Coordinates on the map), and Technology. The use of Technology in the classroom was excellent as some of the students in this particular school do not have regular home access to a computer.

3. Value-Based

3.1. Students were able to speak and access instruction in both English and Spanish. Students were also engaged in the decision making/brainstorming process early on in the project, which allowed them to take charge of their individual tasks as well as the direction of their projects.

4. Challenging

4.1. The project is done as a collaborative group effort. Mr. Rubio recognizes that at times group work can be challenging, but he can use it as a teachable moment. Students are expected to treat one another with respect, and to communicate effectively within the group setting.

5. Active

5.1. The project that Mr. Rubio is asking his students for is extremely "hands on" and student-directed learning. Students are engaged throughout the entire project, as they each have a role to fulfil within their group. The students are able to fully participare by choosing roles that best fit their strengths. (i.e. students that are strong writers would choose the written role)