10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

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10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design by Mind Map: 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

1. User control and freedom

2. Consistency and standards

2.1. Do Interface Standards Stifle Design Creativity?

2.1.1. Jakob's Law of Internet User Experience

2.1.2. The Power Law of Learning: Consistency vs. Innovation in User Interfaces

3. Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts

4. Visibility of System Status

4.1. Knowledge Is Power

4.1.1. The Two UX Gulfs: Evaluation and Execution Direct Manipulation: Definition Flat Design: Its Origins, Its Problems, and Why Flat 2.0 Is Better for Users Indicators, Validations, and Notifications: Pick the Correct Communication Option Icon Usability The Apple Watch: User-Experience Appraisal Error Message Guidelines Emotional Design Fail: I'm Divorcing My Nest Thermostat Making Web Advertisements Work Mental Models

4.2. Appropriate Feedback

4.2.1. Preventing User Errors: Avoiding Conscious Mistakes

4.2.2. Progress Indicators Make a Slow System Less Insufferable

4.2.3. Time to Make Tech Work

4.2.4. Response Times: The 3 Important Limits

4.2.5. Direct Manipulation: Definition

4.2.6. Voice Interaction UX: Brave New World...Same Old Story

4.3. Compel Users to Action

4.3.1. Service Design 101

4.3.2. Scarcity Principle: Making Users Click RIGHT NOW or Lose Out

4.3.3. Social Proof in the User Experience

4.3.4. Trustworthiness in Web Design: 4 Credibility Factors

4.3.5. Modal & Nonmodal Dialogs: When (& When Not) to Use Them

4.4. Communication Creates Trust

4.4.1. The Impact of Interaction Design on Brand Perception

4.4.2. Mastery, Mystery, and Misery: The Ideologies of Web Design

5. Match between system and the real world

5.1. You Are Not the User: The False-Consensus Effect

5.2. Familiar Language

5.2.1. User-centric vs. Maker-centric Language: 3 Essential Guidelines

5.2.2. Use Old Words When Writing for Findability

5.2.3. "About Us" Information on Websites

5.3. Leverage Familiarity with Real-World Objects and Activities

5.3.1. Skeuomorphic Design: Don't Apply It Blindly (Bruce Tognazzini)

5.3.2. Flat-Design Best Practices

5.3.3. Scrolling and Scrollbars