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Water by Mind Map: Water

1. can humans create water or is it strictly made by the planet?

1.1. water is a compound made of hidragon hidragon and oxagen but can humans make it or dose it need to be dne in a natural prosses?

2. what if our planet was 71% land instead of water what would change?

2.1. What if our worlds water turned to land and our land turned to water what would happen to our planet what effects would if have?

3. Are there any uses for water that wer used in the past that we dont know today?

3.1. Is there a use for wahter that was used in the past that we have just compleetly forgoten about because we dont need to know it because thecnology has idvanced in a way that can get around the proble it was trying to slove

4. How deep is the ocean and what animals are at the bottom?

4.1. We know more about outer space then our own planet because 95% of our oceans are unexplored aand we have no idea wat types of animals are at the bottom

5. What thoughts would be going through your head if you had never seen water in your life and you were seeing it for the first time`

5.1. when you hink about water on its own its kind of weird for example you need to drink it to survive but if you drink it for too long while under water you die and also when you step in it you sink.

6. Why is liquid water so rare in our universe?

6.1. planets like venus and mars used to have liquid water but now they eather dont have it at all or now it exists as ice or vapor

7. Will we ever run out of water?

7.1. are humans going to pollout the water suntill theres none left to drink.

8. What would happen if all water on earth (including inside your body) disapeared for 3 seconds

8.1. Would you survive

8.2. Would machanical systems break dow or would they be fine

8.3. What exactly would happen to your body

9. Is water used in tasks we dont even think invole water

9.1. is water being used in daily tasks that we dont kno of and if so wha is it being used for.

10. How do fish and other animals that breath underwater

10.1. How do their gills extract the oxagen from the hidragen and how do their gills work