Jenna's Mindmap

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Jenna's Mindmap by Mind Map: Jenna's Mindmap

1. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

1.1. 1920's

1.1.1. People in the 1920's were more connected then people in the earlier years because of the radio, people in the North could now easily communicate with people in the South and listen to the same things.

1.1.2. It made the country more compact

1.2. World War I

1.2.1. War was changed with major technology improvements that caused Tanks and Aircraft to improve war and even get some of it banned (Gas warfare)

1.3. World War II

1.3.1. Atomic bombs: Reason Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it would kill many people.

1.4. Early Stages of the Cold War

1.4.1. Sputnik: started the race to space and made the soviet union and the U.S. be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you don't need to rush to be better then the other country because its risky.

2. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

2.1. 1920's

2.1.1. The law of prohibition was crated in the 1920's to prevent people from selling and buying alcohol. This led to violence and gangs starting When the government tried to prevent America from doing something, it ended up violently. Disabling drugs adds to more problems then the drug itself.

2.2. World War II

2.2.1. Many people thought the US would be the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so the Jewish people were stuck.

2.3. Korean War

2.3.1. The American government focusing on preventing communism in Europe may have led to communism taking over China.

2.4. Great Society

2.4.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs government debt will increase.

2.5. Cuban Missile Crisis

2.5.1. It is important for governments to be able to peacefully communicate quickly with each other.

2.6. Vietnam War

2.6.1. If America is lied to, they will not trust the government anymore. The government needs to tell American citizens what their plans are, and try not to keep things hidden, they need to fight for the rights that American citizens are asking for. If the Americans were told more, and other things were explained to them, they may have had less protesting, and innocent Americans would not have died back home. The government kept it very quiet about the second Rolling Thunder Bombing, and when Americans found out they felt betrayed and upset, Now less then 50% of Americans genuinely trust the government.

3. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

3.1. World War II

3.1.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and flee to other counties so the would not be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this.

3.2. 1920's

3.2.1. Harlem Renaissance: A new type of people are moving to the area, and they will add to the culture.

3.3. The Great Depression

3.3.1. Many people from the Southern US, mostly African Americans, migrated to the major cities of the US for a better life, with more opportunities. (Jazz music, Harlem Renaissance.

3.4. World War I

3.4.1. Afther the war, they take a string anti immigration stance.

3.5. Communist Cuba

3.5.1. When the government takes away private businesses. There will be mass migration of citizens to another country.

4. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

4.1. World War II

4.1.1. Japanese internment camps violated the constitution deeming it unconstitutional.

4.1.2. Women proved to be fruitful during WWII producing many goods.

4.1.3. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country.

4.2. 1920s

4.2.1. America more people to vote. (African Americans and Women) not just white men. (19th Amendment)

4.3. Civil Rights Movement

4.3.1. African Americans learned that by gaining publicity, and support from the government and Americans, they were able to receive bills that were passed to congress providing the right to vote.

4.4. Vietnam War

4.4.1. If soldiers are not treated correctly, they will find a way to get themselves out of war. Many soldiers did not support the Vietnam war. Soldiers will flee to other countries, desert the army, or avoid by going to college. Soldiers who did not leave the war, were killed in battle, became addicted to horrible drugs and alcohol, and were hated when they arrived back home. When soldiers arrived back in America, they were whispered about, yelled at, abused, degraded, and disrespected due to wearing the medals and being proud of the war they fought in, Which lead many soldiers to abuse drugs and become ashamed of the war.

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World War I

5.1.1. When the US is involved with world affairs to a large extent it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

5.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a larger conflict.

5.2. World War II

5.2.1. Due to the great depression, Americas relationships with other countries was failing, because they were protecting themselves.

5.2.2. Stalingrad taught Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent then they thought.

5.2.3. Expansion, when too many countries attempt world domination, it creates conflict.

5.2.4. Okinawa crippled the Japanese and cut out supplies from their army.

5.3. Early Stages of the Cold War

5.3.1. Conflict was created due to positive relationships with realist countries and negative relationships with communist countries

5.4. The Great Depression

5.4.1. Because of the conflicts in America, the US lost some connection with allies.

5.5. 1920's

5.5.1. They took an isolationist approach (America First).

5.6. Cuba

5.6.1. The Bay of Pigs invasion shows that attacks with minor planning can be overthrown by greater armies even when being suprised

5.7. Vietnam War

5.7.1. If trying to stop the spread of communism, America should try to get on the good sides of the people attempting to spread it, so they can maybe sway them, instead of worrying about former allies. America abandoned the Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, due to him being a communist, and because they did not want to break ties with France. Because of this, Ho Chi Minh grew angry and the war escalated, eventually ending with Vietnam falling to communism.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people?

6.1. World War I

6.1.1. Pro-war Newspaper articles caused people to start hating Germany and supporting the war even though they were currently neutral.

6.2. 1920's

6.2.1. The Radio was created, and a new way to spread news occurred.

6.2.2. Extremely easy to spread information.

6.3. World War II

6.3.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones (AKA “I gave a man, give war bonds)

6.3.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killings and persecution of jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

6.4. The Great Depression

6.4.1. FDR Firsside chats. The equivilant to TRmups teweets.

6.5. The Red Scare

6.5.1. The arrest of the Hollywood 10 caused widespread fear in America. People lost trust in all their peers. Due to the TV

6.6. Emmett Till

6.6.1. Emmett Tills open casket let people see what people did to this kid, and sparked the movement.

6.7. Freedom Riders

6.7.1. Caused violence to gain media coverage

6.8. Vietnam War

6.8.1. To prevent the outbreaks in protests and fighting in America, the American leaders should not broadcast the war as much on the television and radios as they did, stating body counts, and numerous battles that meant nothing to the war, but left many Americans dead, due to the popularity of the TV and Radios. Americans got angry when they saw misleading information in the media, in newspapers and on TV about the battle of Hamburger Hill, The body count drew some Americans to riot and protest more.

7. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

7.1. World World I

7.1.1. When world leaders focus strictly on MAIN it could cause disruption in their country

7.2. World War II

7.2.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country.

7.2.2. A powerful leader like Hitler is willing to fight to the end. Russia is strong and willing to take high causality rates.

7.2.3. Militarism and Alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused destruction for everyone

7.3. The Great Depression

7.3.1. There were three presidents during The Great Depression.

7.3.2. HERBERT HOOVER: Widely shamed for not doing enough to fight the conflict.

7.3.3. FDR: Created the New Deal, which was criticized by some but changed America for the better. Served most time as president.

7.3.4. CALVIN COOLIDGE: Was blamed for starting the war, since it began just after he left office.

7.4. Assassination's

7.4.1. The assassination of JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X all led to The Civil Rights movement carrying on, and becoming stronger (They all died due to supporting civil rights)

7.5. Vietnam War

7.5.1. Substituting American soldiers for soldiers that we were assisting in the first place will never work out, because if they were able to fight themselves, they wouldn't have needed our help. Which would have prevented the deaths of many Vietnamese people, the taking of Saigon, and thousands of refugees needing to be taken in, When Nixon decided to remove American troops from Vietnam.

8. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

8.1. World War II

8.1.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing.

8.1.2. We learned that supporting other countries will lead them support us and economic gain. (Ended Great Depression)

8.2. The Great Depression

8.2.1. DO NOT keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans make sure they can be payed back.

8.3. 1920's

8.3.1. Mass production: as goods are mass produced they become cheaper so more can afford it.

8.4. Early Stages of the Cold War

8.4.1. The US was focusing on helping to rebuild Europe, so they could grow a stronger connection and make trade deals.

8.5. Civil Rights

8.5.1. Bus boycotts made the American society realize how much African Americans are important to the economic growth/decay of America