US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. 1920's Working Class Situation- Wages and Hours

1.1.1. wages increased by 25%, and hours decreased allowing Americans to have more leisure and time

1.1.2. Although having more time to do fun things seemed nice, when the stock market crashed Americans had no money to fall back on leaving them in lots of debt

1.2. Credit

1.2.1. Huge amount of debt came out of this although they thought credit was a great idea. When there is too much credit being taken out then there is 0 money to fall back on for support.

1.3. Alcohol Prohibition

1.3.1. Government so much money trying to ban alcohol, but this was complete failure because people found ways to sneak it in, such a speakeasies. Banning alcohol just made things worse, not even close to being better,

1.4. Great Depression

1.4.1. Do not keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans, make sure that they can be paid back in the future.

1.5. World War 2

1.5.1. America on the home front- People on the home front were more willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing

1.5.2. Supporting other countries will lead them to support U.S. and economic pain

1.6. Mass Production

1.6.1. As goods and materials are mass produced, they become cheaper so more people can afford it

1.7. Civil Rights

1.7.1. Bus boycotts made the American Society realize how important African Americans are ti America's economic growth and decay.

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. Immigration

2.1.1. 23 1/2 million entered the U.S. throughout the 1920's

2.1.2. left their native countries to get a better life for them and their future

2.1.3. different cultures were coming together to make the U.S. very unique

2.2. World war 2

2.2.1. Many people attempted to leave the country and fleed to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not stop in early which could have prevented this.

2.3. Harlem Renaissance

2.3.1. As different types of people would move to a new area, town, city, etc., it would ad to the culture and diversity.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. There were 3 Republican Presidents during the 1920's, Coolidge, Harding, and Hoover. They all had different ways of running the country and different methods to get to their goal of efficiency and success for our nation.

3.2. MAIN- Militarism, causes of the war

3.3. World War 2

3.3.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to issues and precautions that are being taken to protect the country.

3.3.2. Hitler (powerful leader) was willing to fight to the end

3.3.3. Russia is extremely strong and willing to take high casualty rates

3.3.4. Militarism and Alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war, Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone.

3.4. Assassination

3.4.1. JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X were all killed due to supporting or fighting for civil rights

3.5. Vietnam War

3.5.1. President Nixon thought if he would replace the American soldiers with the South Vietnamese troops, that he would be safe for our troops and that South Vietnam would be able to take over. This whole thing is also known as Vietnamization. He believed that the South Vietnamese would be able to take on North Vietnam themselves, but that was not the case. North Vietnam came in and took over South Vietnam's palace, destroyed Saigon, and claimed it as their land. America can not run into this problem again by not doing this type of system (replacing our troops with the ones of other countries.)

3.5.2. President Nixon decided to invade the country of Cambodia. He thought that if he attacked communist bases in Cambodia that it would only benefit and help out South Vietnam. This was not the case, the actions taken resulted in war efforts increasing even more and overall was a complete disaster.

3.5.3. Nixon decided to order large bomb raids to attack North Vietnam with and show their air supremacy in the Vietnam War, this whole event is known as the Rolling Thunder. They did this while slowly pulling troops out. This operation caused much damage to North Vietnam and ended up costing the U.S. millions. This all ended by bringing the North Vietnamese into negotiation.

4. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

4.1. World War 2

4.1.1. Holocaust Many people thought that the U.S. would be the best place to go, but America was hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so Jewish people were stuck.

4.2. Great Society

4.2.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, government debt will increase

5. Forming Allies can draw the country into a border conflict

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. Radios really helped get news out to people, it allowed people all over the country to hear the same news,

6.2. Allows us to be more interconnected with people throughout our country

6.3. World War 2

6.3.1. We learned that creating persuasive posters showed bad situations that could be fixed with good resolutions (example: "I gave a man, give a war bond")

6.4. The American Media before the war did not glorify the killing and persecution of Jews in Europe until they got involved within the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

6.5. Civil Rights

6.5.1. After the horrific death of Emmett Till, his mother wanted his casket to be open at hos funeral, so that people saw how bad whites brutally treated her innocent child. Seeing what happened to him made the world very angry and sparked a movement to create change. His mother wanted her sons life to have a purpose and wanted to make sure people knew what she was feeling.

6.5.2. Freedom riders: Their purpose was to overcome segregation of facilities and wanted to seek media attention

6.6. Vietnam War

6.6.1. Many people were against President Nixon sending our troops into Vietnam, since many thought there was no need fr us to get involved, so because of that they would hold protests. There was the hippie movement, students at different colleges and schools holding protests, and many other ways of people showing there disapproval towards this war. An example of how people wee not a fan of this was that when the soldiers came home, people did not give them a nice welcome and looked down upon them.

7. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

7.1. World War 2

7.1.1. Japanese Internment Camps violated the Constitution deeming it was unconstitutional

7.1.2. Women proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many goods

7.1.3. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country

7.2. Civil Rights Movement

7.2.1. 13th Amendment: Freed the slaves

7.2.2. 14th Amendment: Equal protection under the law

7.2.3. 15th Amendment: You could not prevent someone voting based on their race 'Did not include women'

7.2.4. Reconstruction Acts of 1867: Split up the South into 5 military zones

7.2.5. Martin Luther King was very well respected, educated, and a huge fighter for equality and civil rights for blacks

7.2.6. African Americans learned that by gaining publicity, support from the government, and other Americans, they were able to get bills that were passed to Congress, giving them the right to vote.

8. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

8.1. World War 1 Warfare

8.1.1. When there is a lot of new technology in society, we will not be prepared

8.2. World War 2

8.2.1. Atomic Bomb- Japan surrendered and stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and how many people were being effected

8.3. Sputnik

8.3.1. Started the race to space and caused the Soviet Union and U.S. to compete with one another. The lesson learned is that you do not need to rush to be better than the other country because many risks could come out of it.

8.4. Vietnam War

8.4.1. America used devices known as Napalm and Agent Orange to get rid of the enemies' color. Napalm was a gasoline based bomb that burned the jungle and Agent Orange was a leaf killing toxic chemical. These toxic weapons caused a lot of damage to both the Vietnamese and Americans.

9. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

9.1. World War I

9.1.1. When the U.S is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral when a major conflict breaks out .

9.1.2. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

9.1.3. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to remain neutral if a major conflict breaks out

9.1.4. Former allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

9.2. World War 2

9.2.1. Due to the Great Depression, Americas relationships with other countries were failing because they were trying to protect themselves.

9.2.2. Stalingrad thought Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent than they thought

9.2.3. Expansion, when too many countries attempt world domination it creates large conflict

9.2.4. Okinawa- crippled the Japanese and cut out many supplies from their army

9.3. Early Cold War Alliances

9.3.1. Conflict was created due to positive relationships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries.

9.4. Spread of Communism

9.4.1. Was hard to trade with other countries if they were communists