US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. 1920 working class

1.1.1. credit debt

1.1.2. increase in salaries, decrease in hours

1.2. Courses of Great Depression

1.2.1. The supply increased and the demand decreased. There was a lot of debt in the 1920's, and it was a very hard time financially in America. Huge crash in the stock market.

1.3. World War Two

1.3.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing

1.4. World War Two

1.4.1. Supporting other countries will lead them support us and economic gain. e

1.5. 1920's and mass production

1.5.1. Mass production as goods are mass produced they become cheaper so more can afford it.

1.6. Great Depression

1.6.1. Do not keep buying stock when in debt, When applying for loans make sure they can be paid back.

1.7. Beginning of Cold War

1.7.1. If you are a capitalist country, you want a lot of different countries to trade with, and you can get different goods and get a lot of money from trading.

1.8. Civil Rights

1.8.1. Bus boycotts made the American Society realize how much African Americans are important to the economic growth/decay of America

2. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

2.1. The Roaring Twenties

2.1.1. An effective leader is well-liked and listens to the people they are leading. They make lots of progress and have a positive impact on their community/country.

2.1.2. An ineffective leader is a leader who does not make progress or creates bad things for their community/country. An example of an ineffective leader is a leader that creates war.

2.1.3. main (causes of war) (M=military A=alliances I=imperialism N=nationalism)

2.1.4. when leaders focus on main, it disrupts world peace

2.2. FDR vs Hoover

2.2.1. Hoover was leaving office. He was president while the Great Depression began. FDR came and brought a new deal. New deal benefited several people who were struggling, but took private property from those who were not doing horribly. People had faith that FDR would save them from the Great Depression. Relief, recovery, and reform money was taken from private property owners. FDR was taken to court and proven guilty of trying to make America a socialist country.

2.3. World War Two

2.3.1. The Soviet's are very powerful and they are willing to take many casualties to fight to the end. A powerful leader like Hitler will fight to the end to try and accomplish what needs to be done.

2.4. World War Two

2.4.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions; that are being taken to protect their country.

2.5. World War Two

2.5.1. Militarism and Alliances, when more leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism is mass destruction for everyone.

2.6. Beginning of the Cold War

2.6.1. Joseph McCarthy created a scary idea, and it created mass hysteria. The lesson is to think of the reality before freaking out.

2.7. Martin Luther King Jr.

2.7.1. Speaking well and considering all races in your speech, and having a main goal for all people will help you make a difference and succeed.

2.8. JFK Missile Crisis

2.8.1. It is important for governments to have means to communicate so that they can avoid dangerous and risky situations like the Cuban missile crisis and the naval blockade. You have to compromise to stay safe and effective.

2.9. Asssassination

2.9.1. JFK, MLK, and Malcom X all were willled due to supporting or fighitng for civil rights. If soeone is killed for supporting civil rights it will just lead to more poeple fighting.

2.10. Vietnam War

2.10.1. One big topic that went wrong in the Vietnam War was that the U.S. citizens were being lied to by the government, or more specifically, by President Nixon. Nixon created a plan called Vietnamization. Vietnamization was the plan to replace United States troops in South Vietnam with South Vietnamese soldiers. This plan was not successful, but Nixon said it was and lied to the American people. The American people lost trust in the government. A lesson we can learn from this is when you are working in the government be honest with the citizens in your country so that the country can be on the same page.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. violence increased

3.1.1. prohibition law made alcohol illegal and government lost control over it

3.2. New Deal

3.2.1. Created programs such as CCC, AAA, NIRA,FDIC, WPA, and SSA. Created from relief, recovery, and reform of America and American citizens struggling from the Great Depression. New deal failed when FDR went to court and was proven guilty for attempting to turn America into a socialist country.

3.3. World War Two

3.3.1. Many people thought the U.S. would be the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so Jewish people were stuck.

3.4. Great Society

3.4.1. When the government decreases taxes land creates large social programs, government debt will increase.

3.5. Brown v. The Board of Education

3.5.1. Going to court, having sufficient evidence, and showing people that something is wrong will help make a difference.

4. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

4.1. The 1920's

4.1.1. The 1920's was a big change for the civil rights of many people in America. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. This was a huge event that changed the equality of men and women in the country.

4.2. World War Two

4.2.1. Japenses Internment camps violated the constitution deeming it unconstitutional. Woman proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many gooods. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country.

4.3. Sit ins

4.3.1. If you non violently protest and continue to do it no matter what, even if you are arrested, you will make an impact

4.4. Civil Rights Movement

4.4.1. African Americans earned that by gaining publicity, support from the government and Americans, they were able to receive bills that were passed to congress providing the right to vote

5. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people?

5.1. 1920's advertisement increased

5.1.1. swayed people's opinion

5.2. World War II

5.2.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones (AKA “I gave a man, give war bonds)

5.3. World War Two

5.3.1. The American media before the war did not glorify the killings and persecution of jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

5.4. World War One

5.4.1. Newspapers claimed that America wanted to get into the war and fight Germany

5.5. The Beginning of Cold War

5.5.1. During the Red Scare Joseph McCarthy went on TV and used fear to try and win the election.

5.6. Emmett Till

5.6.1. Emmett Till's open casket, let people see his face all over the news, and became angry

5.7. Freedom Riders

5.7.1. Freedom Riders caused violence to gain media attention

6. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

6.1. great migration

6.1.1. African Americans began to move up north and take jobs

6.1.2. moved because of slavery

6.2. World War Two

6.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and flee to other counties so the would not be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this.

6.3. 1920's and Harlem Rennaisance

6.3.1. As a new type of people move to an area, they will add to the culture.

6.4. migration in the 1920's

6.4.1. In 1924, a law was made that only a certain amount of immigrants could come into the United States, only two percent could enter from each nation

6.5. Great Migration

6.5.1. If your situation is horrible, get out and go somewhere else. Young people make a lot of difference

6.6. Community Cuba

6.6.1. When a government takes away private buisness there will be a mass migration of its citizens for another country

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. World War One

7.1.1. When there is a lot of new technology, ill prepared for war, gas warfare and trench warfare

7.2. World War Two

7.2.1. Atomic bomb: the reason Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it would kill many more people

7.3. national culture

7.3.1. radios and cars connected society and helped war strategies and made advertisement easier

7.4. Sputnik

7.4.1. Started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the U.S. be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you do not need to rush to be better than the other country because it is risky.

8. To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

9. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

9.1. World War 1

9.1.1. Forming Allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

9.1.2. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

9.2. World War Two

9.2.1. due to the Great Depression, America's relationships with other countries were railing because they were protecting themselves.

9.3. World War Two

9.3.1. Stalin Grad taught Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent than they thought.

9.4. World War Two

9.4.1. Expansion, when too many countries attempt world domination, it created mass conflict

9.5. World War Two

9.5.1. Okinawa crippled the Japanese and cut out supplies from their army.

9.6. Early Cold War Alliances

9.6.1. Conflict was created due to positive relationships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries.

9.7. WWI

9.7.1. When the U.S. is in volved in World affairs to a large extent if is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

9.8. WWI

9.8.1. Allies can draw the country into a brouder conflict

9.9. Beginning of the Cold War

9.9.1. NATO created a treaty within America, Canada, and other countries. They helped each other to fight, and they succeeded. The lesson is if you get reliable allies, and make a promise to help each other, you will most likely be successful.

9.10. Vietnam War

9.10.1. America was not prepared for what was to come in this war when they first began. The United States expected this to be an easy war that would end quickly. The United States was powerful, they had a strong army and advanced technology. Vietnam was poor and not strong. The North Vietnamese army was smart, they created boobie traps that stumped the U.S. army and tunnel complexes to travel through. The lessen that we can learn from this is when going to War, always be prepared for the worst case scenario, and do not doubt the other army's abilities.

9.11. Vietnam War

9.11.1. The Paris Peace Accords was a treaty that was signed by Nixon to split up North and South Vietnam. This treaty was not very serious, and it was not effective. American began to pull their troops out of Vietnam, and a left ARVN to defend south Vietnam. Soon after the American troops left, North Vietnam army came into Saigon and took it over. The Paris Peace Accords did not work at all. A lesson learned from this is to not leave the allies (South Vietnam) to defend themselves when you are already thoroughly involved. Also, make sure when you end a fight or war, that it is truly ended.

10. extra information

10.1. end of world war one

10.1.1. The league of nation created by Woodrow Wilson:-International cooperative organization, Established to prevent future wars, United States did not join, it failed because not enough power, Germany signed a treaty to keep peace that Great Britain and France created

10.2. America's entry into world War One

10.2.1. spread peace system, strong army, wants money back from allies, get a lot of money, wanted to reconquer Mexico, Arizona, etc, and newspapers said they wanted to fight Germany

10.3. 1920's

10.3.1. Harlem renaissance KKK- wanted white supremacy Mass production of new technology- cars, radios The prohibition-illegal to make, sell, or buy alcohol, to lower rime, actually made some crime Women's rights- 19th amendment, right to vote Urbanization Separation of religion Gang Violence immigration

10.4. Causes of the Great Depression

10.4.1. Stock market crash Overproduction and low demand No equal distribution of wealth Increased unemployment Debt

10.5. Hoover vs. Roosevelt

10.5.1. Hoover and Republicans:Less government interference keep government out) Flat rate taxation (taxes should be lower) Less government assistance Less regulation

10.5.2. FDR and Democrat-Support government assistance -Progressive taxation (Redistribution of wealth) -More government regulation

10.5.3. Problems when FDR is in office:There were farm foreclosures, farm prices went down, stock prices dropped, bank failures rose, there was overproduction and underconsumption, unemployment rose, There was an environmental catastrophe with the dust bowl, There was deflation(reduction of the general level of prices in an economy), house foreclosures, the U.S. wealth dropped. This caused homelessness, the debt rose, the savings decreased, and the lack of trust to invest and save.

10.6. World War One Involvement

10.6.1. "Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States" against "Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria"

10.7. World War I and World War II Causes

10.7.1. MAIN Imperialism"a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force."

10.8. Vietnam War

10.8.1. The U.S. soldiers' lives in the Vietnam war were pretty bad. First of all, the soldiers were being drafted in the war, this means that they were forced to go and could not choose if they wanted to or not. Most of the soldiers did not want to go and fight in the bad conditions in Vietnam. the U.S. soldiers were not familiar with the jungles and mountains that made up the terrain of Vietnam. Many soldiers from the other side would hide in the jungles, and they could attack. Once the soldiers got to Vietnam and were ready to fight, they did not even know who the enemy was. It was hard for them to tell the difference between the North and South Vietnamese. The North Vietnamese used a tactic called guerilla warfare to fight against the United States. This made it hard to fight back. The soldiers were also not used to the intense heat and the frequent rain. The North Vietnmaese had a good system going. The soldiers often had a hard time fighting because the North Vietnamese soldiers also used boobie traps to make fighting more challenging for the United States. Many of the soldiers did not have much of a drive to fight because they were not exactly sure of what they were fighting for. A lesson that can be learned is to only use your army for very worthy causes, and keep a passion within them. Often times, a countries strongest tool is their, and with a weak army, it is hard to succeed.

10.9. Vietnam War

10.9.1. The battles of Hamburger Hill was a major part of what went wrong in the Vietnam War. The United States soldiers fought hard to conquer Hamburger Hill, and they conquered it on a short term basis. The United States army lost several soldiers during this battle. Then, shortly after the Hill was conquered, the United States soldiers left the hill. After that, the Vietnam soldiers conquered Hamburger Hill back. They did not have to try when they conquered it back. After this, the United States soldiers began to be convinced that fighting in this War was not worth it. They were discouraged by this loss because soldiers died for basically no reason. The lesson learned from this is to make sure the mission you are going on is worth it before using the time, energy, and effort it takes to do it.