Us History II Lessons Learned

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Us History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: Us History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

1.1. M.A.I.N

1.1.1. When leaders focus to much on main it leads to countries getting angry at one another and ultimately leads to war's starting.

1.2. World War 2

1.2.1. Lesson learned is that from the Great depression it caused us to become more receptive of radical ideas and support them due ti the problems in the US.

1.2.2. Militarism and Alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war.

1.2.3. A powerful Leader like Hitler is willing to fight to the end and Russia is strong and willing to take high casualty rates.

1.3. Civil Rights Movement

1.3.1. There were assassinations of JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X who were all very big leaders ant the time and MLK and Malcolm X each made huge impacts in the civil rights movement.

2. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

2.1. Great Depression

2.1.1. When the new deal was introduced to fix the economic problems, it ended up costing a lot of money and making the debt worse than it was originally.

2.2. Prohabition

2.2.1. When the government banned a drug like alcohol they lose control of america and increases crime and violence in the community,

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. Many people thought the US would be the best place to go but america was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into there country so Jewish people were stuck.

2.4. Great Society

2.4.1. When the government decreases taxes and crates large social programs, government debt will increase

2.5. Vietname war

2.5.1. The government as a whole was not liked very much by the public at this time and that was because they lost the trust of the public. They lost it by being caught lying about many things like the reason that we got into the Vietnam war and also lying about things that they were doing in Vietnam and if they were successful or not. The result of them doing this was that many people didn't trust the government anymore and a survey after the war determined that people that trusted the government went from 80% to 30% all from things that happened during the Vietnam war. The lesson learned from this is that the government should just be straight up with the people and what they are doing which will cause less panic and outrage from the public.

3. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

3.1. Great migration

3.1.1. When African Americans were moving north because of the KKK we learned that African Americans were striving for more freedom and independence in America.

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted ti leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitlers cruel treatment in the camps.

3.3. Harlem Renaissance

3.3.1. As anew type of people move to an area they will add to the culture.

4. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans

4.1. 1920s Working Class Situation

4.1.1. There was an increase in peoples income which led to people being able to have more leisure time to enjoy life and do things that they want to do on there own time.

4.1.2. The starting of credit put way to deep in debt and way the great depression hit it lead to people being screwed over.,

4.2. Great Depression

4.2.1. To much investing in the stock market which caused people to lose most of there money when they crashed. Also people were spending to much money on credit and were taking out loans to invest in the stock market.

4.2.2. As Mass production became an issue as certain goods became mass produced they become cheaper so more can afford it.

4.3. WW2

4.3.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing

4.3.2. Supporting other countries will lead the to support us and economic gain.

5. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

5.1. 1920s

5.1.1. The radio allowed people all over america to be receiving the same news and listening to the same music as people in south. This lead to America being more inter connected because everyone all over the US new what was going on in the world.

5.2. WW2

5.2.1. Atomic Bomb: reason Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it would kill many people

5.3. Early Cold War

5.3.1. Sputnik started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the US to be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you don't need to rush to be better than the other country because it's risky.

5.4. Vietnam War

5.4.1. During the Vietnam war there were many new technology's that each side was using to fight on another. The main to that were being used were napalm and agent orange. These chemicals ended up causing major damage to the terrain as well as the soldiers health which caused many problems during the war. Napalm was a gasoline based chemical that was like a sludge and if you got it on your skin it would burn in right to the bone right away. Agent orange was a leaf killing toxic chemical that was used to clear out the jungles and scare out the enemy. The problem with these chemicals is that they don't discriminate from american solders or Vietnamese soldiers which caused the use of some of these chemicals to back fire. The lesson learned is to not use technology that can come back and hurt american soldiers and use weapons that won't drastically deform and cause serious health problems to soldiers.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. 1920s

6.1.1. The radio led to people learning more about what was going in throughout the world which ultimately led to a more interconnected America.

6.1.2. The newspapers influenced the american people and lead to people changing their minds over things that aren't exactly completely true.

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. We learned that creating persuasive posters that showed cad things that can be fixed by better ones (aka "I gave a man, give a war bond")

6.2.2. The American media before the War didn't glorify the killings and prosecution of Jewish people of Germany until we got involved in the war. We learned that the media can change through the war and other drastic events.

6.3. Black Panthers

6.3.1. The black panthers were very good at getting the public's attention and making the american people see how badly blacks were getting treated by whites

7. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

7.1. World War 1

7.1.1. When the US is involved in foreign affairs to a large extent it is hard to stay stay neutral when a large conflict breaks out.

7.1.2. Forming Allies can drag the country into a larger conflict.

7.2. World War 2

7.2.1. Due to the Great Depression America's relationships were suffering because of the country failing which lead to them not communicating with there allies less leading to them not talking to them at all.

7.2.2. Exspanstion, when too many countries attempt world domination it creates mass conflict.

7.2.3. Stalin Grad taught Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent then they thought

7.3. Early Cold War

7.3.1. Conflict was created due to positive relationships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries.

7.3.2. With the spread of communism it forced the United States to get involved in foreign affairs because they had to do what ever it took to stop the spread of communism.

7.4. Vietnam war

7.4.1. The first reason for the Vietnam war was that we started the war for something that din't even happen. On two occasions the us believed that there navy ships were fired at by North Vietnam torpedo. On one of the day's we were shot at but on the other we were not. But America not being fully certain went to war with Vietnam because of it and we ended up finding out later that we went to war for something that didn't even happen. The lesson learned from this is that the Us should look into things more closely and be 100% sure that things happen before doing anything irrational.

7.4.2. At the end of the war america and the North Vietnamese signed the Paris peace accords which said that the north and south would leave each other alone and that the wouldn't fight anymore. The problem with this is that the North Vietnamese knew that America wasn't coming back to Vietnam so they decided to sign the treaty and invaded Vietnam not even two years later and took control with easy and gained all of Vietnam. The lesson learned from this is that the US shouldn't get involved in conflicts that they know they can't end and when the war or conflict is over make sure that there are things in place that keep both sides honest to what the treaty say's.

8. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

8.1. Womens Right

8.1.1. Women gained the right to vote in the beginning of the 1920's due to pressure of women wanting the law to be past which led to women being able to become more independent which led to them having more success later in the decade.

8.2. Vietnam War

8.2.1. Most of the soldiers in Vietnam didn't know why they were fighting and they didn't want to fight which caused many issues with the military and trying to get moral up. This lead to the military providing the soldiers with drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes to increase moral. Doing this haunted most soldiers later into there life because after the war they were kicked to the curb and they were all drug addicts or alcoholics that were forced to live on the streets. The lesson learned is that we shouldn't give soldiers drugs and alcohol in the future or ever again because it hurts the soldiers in their lives and makes america look bad as a whole.