U.S. History Lessons Learned

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U.S. History Lessons Learned by Mind Map: U.S. History Lessons Learned

1. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

1.1. M.A.I.N

1.1.1. When leaders focuses too much on M.A.I.N it destabilizes world peace.

1.2. WW2

1.2.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country.

1.2.2. When more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone.

1.3. FDR vs Hoover

1.3.1. FDR- Democrat (more loved by the people because he took a force of action during the Depression) that believes the government should supply people with jobs and the government needs to create more jobs. We need to regulate business with strict supervision of all banking, credits, and investments. Wanted to have the land distributed more equally throughout the people.

1.3.2. Hoover- Republican (more hated and blamed for causing the Depression) Did not want regulation and wanted to keep the government out. People had to fend for themselves. More land if you earned it by working hard for it.

1.4. Assassination

1.4.1. JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X all were killed due to supporting or fighting for Civil Rights. If someone is willed for supporting Civil Rights if will just lead to more people fighting.

2. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

2.1. New Deal

2.1.1. The government created new programs to help the citizens during the Depression. CCC- it put 2.5 million young unmarried males to work

2.2. Civil Rights-America on the homefront

2.2.1. Japanese Internment camps violated the Constitution deeming it unconstitutional.

2.2.2. Woman proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many goods.

2.2.3. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country.

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. Many people thought the U.S. would be the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so Jewish people were stuck.

2.4. Prohibition

2.4.1. The government trying to ban the manufacturing and sale of alcohol. This led to great crime rates in the United States. When the government tried to banned a popular drug then this increased crime rate.

2.4.2. It is very costly for the government and is very ineffective .

2.5. NATO

2.5.1. NATO is an organization with the United States, Canada, and 7 Western European countries. The lesson learned is that if you want fight against something powerful you have to combine forces with allies to be more superior.

2.6. Great Society

2.6.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs government debt will increase.

2.7. JFK/ Cuban Missile Crisis

2.7.1. Its important fro governments to have means to communicate so that they can avoid dangerous and risky situations like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Naval Blockade.

2.8. Vietnam War

2.8.1. Vietnamization Vietnamization is the process of replacing American troops with South Vietnamese troops. President Nixon wanted to end the war soon, so he decided to create a plan to train South Vietnamese troops so American troops could leave. The problem with this is Nixon knew this would not be successful because the South Vietnamese were unable fight back the North successfully and the South relied on America. The lesson learned is that even though Nixon was trying to appease the soldiers and the Vietnamese protesters it provided a reason that the U.S. shouldn't have even entered the war if they were going to back-out/leave.

3. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

3.1. WW2

3.1.1. Atomic Bomb- reason Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it will kill many people.

3.2. Early Years of Cold War

3.2.1. Spuntink Started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the U.S. be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you don't need rush to be better than the other country because it's risky.

3.3. Post War Technology Advancements

3.3.1. After World War 1 this introduced the United States to radios and motor vehicles, which allowed the US to be connected to the rest of the world.

3.4. World War 1 Warfare

3.4.1. When there is a lot of technology being created we will be ill prepared; this causes much conflict.

3.5. Civil RIghts Movement

3.5.1. When you are willing to put yourself in harms way you can use technology such as TVs to help you win over people; spread the cause.

4. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

4.1. World War 1

4.1.1. We have to be careful that the media does not make illbized distions

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones (AKA "I gave a man, give a war bond")

4.2.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing and persecution of Jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

4.3. Red Scare/McCarthyism

4.3.1. The Red Scare was mass paranoia/hysteria within the United States that caused everyone to accuse each other of communism. The lesson learned is that you cannot judge someone solely based on fear and without enough information. Joseph McCarthy uses the TV and uses fear in order to gain popularity and be reelected. TV is both positive and negative.

4.4. Emmett Till

4.4.1. Emmett Tills open casket let people see his face all over the news and became angry. This sparked the movement and made people angry/ upset, he had a purpose.

4.5. Freedom Riders

4.5.1. Freedom Riders caused voilence to show

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. WW2

5.1.1. Due to the Great Depression, American relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves.

5.1.2. Stalin Grad taught Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent than they thought.

5.1.3. A powerful leader like Hitler is willing to fight to the end. Russia is strong and willing to take high casualty rates.

5.1.4. Expansion, when too many countries attempt word domination, it creates mass conflict.

5.1.5. Militarism and Alliances when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Millitarism causes mass destrstuion for everyone.

5.2. World War 1

5.2.1. When the US involved in World affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a conflict breaks out.

5.2.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a border conflict.

5.3. Early Years of Cold War

5.3.1. Alliances Conflict was created due to positive relation ships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries.

5.4. Spread of Communism

5.4.1. America- against communist(Capitalist) could not trade with pro-communist countries and America wanted to prevent communism.

5.5. Vietnam War

5.5.1. Hamburger Hill Hamburger Hill was a necessary need to have because it gave you the upper hand in the war (the high ground) and also you can engage the enemy very effectively. The VC controlled Hamburger Hill in the beginning, so American knew the only way that would have a fighting chance to win the war for the South Vietnamese was to conqueror Hamburger Hill. The U.S. successfully defeated the VC from Hamburger Hill, but some soldiers questioned that if the losses were worth it and to their surprise the U.S. had the soldiers abandon Hamburger Hill allowing the VC or North Vietnamese to take control over the hill once again. The lesson learned here is that the government should have thought about the consequences of fighting for something that they will just abandon and how the soldiers would feel about this failure.

5.5.2. Gulf of Tonkin The Gulf of Tonkin was when the U.S.S. Maddox was reportedly attacked by the North Vietnamese Navy twice. The first time August 2nd was a true attack on the U.S.S. Maddox and the U.S. did nothing, however August 4th was the second reported attack and it was proven to be false, however this is when the President was given compete authority to go to war (The Gulf of Tonkin Treaty) stating the North Vietnamese were in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and international law. The lesson learned here is that the U.S. should not have gone to war on false pretenses to avoid any unnecessary conflicts.

5.5.3. Soldiers not believing in the Vietnam War/My Lai Massacre The soldiers knew they were fighting for communism but they had a hard time trying to deal with the North Vietnamese and it was hard to destroy the weak and poor that were attacking you. The VC would attack at night, not during the day time because they would be farming. This frustrated the soldiers along with being drafted into a war they didn't understand fully and were in a foreign place. This overall led to the My Lai Massacre which is when U.S. soldiers killed 350 civilians mostly women and children out of frustration. The lesson learned is that the government has to ensure the military believes in the war because they are their power and if you do not have a functional army then you cannot win the war,

6. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

6.1. Credit

6.1.1. The lesson about credit is that if you don't have cash on you then it's better to think ahead to avoid debt and mass conflict. People have nothing to fail back on if there is a problem in the economy.

6.2. 1920s Finance Situation

6.2.1. There was an increase income and hours decreased. The lesson learned is that people have more leaser time, they can go to the movies now.

6.3. Causes of Great Depression

6.3.1. Wealth inequality- very few rich people and many poor people (65% of people were already poor before the Depression having nothing to save them during the Depression. The lesson learned is that we must distribute cash better so, that people are not having to go through what most people went through in the Depression.

6.4. WW2

6.4.1. America on the homefront- People on the homefront were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing, and investing.

6.4.2. Supported other countries will lead them to support us and economic gain.

6.5. New Deal

6.5.1. However, these programs caused a significant increase in the amount of debt in the government due to trying to put people to work and supplying them with jobs.

6.6. Mass production

6.6.1. As goods are mass produced they become cheaper so more can afford it.

6.7. The Great Depression

6.7.1. Do not keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans make sure they can be paid back.

6.8. Civil Rights

6.8.1. Bus Boycotts made the American Society realize how much African Americans are important to the economic growth and decay of America. We learned they can be very effective because they work really well.

7. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

7.1. WW2

7.1.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this.

7.2. Act of 1924

7.2.1. This act limited the amount of immigrants that could come into the U.S. each year.

7.3. Harlem Renaissance(1920s)

7.3.1. As a new type of people move to an area, they will add to the culture

7.4. Communist Cuba

7.4.1. When a government takes away private business there will be a mass migration of its citizens to another country.

8. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

8.1. 1920s Women Progress

8.1.1. The 15 amendment allowed women to vote which made many women more independent and more involved in the workforce.

8.2. Imprisonment

8.2.1. There is not enough equality in prisons to make African Americans more equal to everyone else and still isn't, so we have to strive to change this.

8.3. Civil Rights Movement

8.3.1. African Americans learned that by gaining publicitiy, support, from the government and Americans, they were able to recieve bills that were passes to congress providing the right to vote.

8.4. Vietnam War

8.4.1. Vietnam War Protesters/Richard Nixon lying to the Americans In America, many Americans did not support entering the Vietnam War and even the soldiers began the protest with the Vietnam protesters or hippies. Hippies were on the raise and were created for the their essential beliefs of peace and they began protesting, dressing differently (colorful), and experimenting with drugs. Since many people did not support the war Nixon decided to end the war finally with Vietnamization and the Paris Peace Treaty of Accords, but this angered American civilians/soldiers even more because all the bloodshed and fighting was for nothing. Soldiers began throwing their medals away from Vietnam and participating in protests, which was a big deal because this has never been seen before in American history. Along with this President Nixon lied to the public about his plans with Vietnam and how he knew we would not win the war from the beginning which caused more Americans to not trust the government. The lesson learned is that the government should listen to the people and be truthful so this does not cause chaos and the soldiers must support the war they are fighting for to be successful in winning.