by Naomi Briggs
1. Example: Students will visit a variety of domains for the purpose of investigating the content of that domain. Then, they will create a mind map using mindmeister/kidspiration/inspiration, etc. to define and categorize the domain types and purposes.
2. Activity 4: Identify types of web sites based on their domain names (e.g., edu, com, org, gov, net,...)
3. Example: Students will use their EDP (Educational Development Plan - created online) to research their career interest/talents to present a podcast/video of that career.
4. Activity 7: Use technology to identify and explore various occupations or careers, especially those related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
5. Example: Students will use a spreadsheet to plot a research timeline for a research project.
6. Activity1: Use databases or spreadsheets to make predictions, develop strategies, and evaluate decisions to assist with solving a problem.
8. METS.6-8.CT.1&4.
9. METS.6-8.TC.7
10. METS.6-8.RI.4.
11. Example: Students will research a topic using the Internet and other sources. That research will be presented in a PowerPoint format incorporating animations, graphics, charts, audio, etc. to support their research.
12. Example: Students will use Son of Citation to correctly cite information from print and web sources.
13. Activity: Provide accurate citations when referencing information courses.
14. METS.6-8.DC1.
15. METS.6-8.CC.3.
16. Activity 3: Identify effective uses of technology to support communication with peers, family, or school personnel.
17. Example: Students will regularly participate in the web-based program Fusion (tool for school/student/parent/teacher communication) to hold curricular conversations in a blog, email the teacher; and report on the effectiveness of these communication tools.
18. METS.6-8.CI.2.
19. Activity 2: Create an original project (e.g., presentation, web page, newsletter, information brochure) using a variety of media (e.g., animations, graphs, charts, audio, graphics video) to present content information to an audience.