Autonomous Guided Vehicle Systems

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Autonomous Guided Vehicle Systems by Mind Map: Autonomous Guided Vehicle Systems

1. Conferences

1.1. DARS = Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems ->

2. AGV Problems

2.1. Design & Layout

2.1.1. Design of Flowpath layout

2.1.2. Vehicle requirements

2.1.3. Number and location of pick-up and delivery points

2.2. Control

2.2.1. Vehicle dispatching

2.2.2. Vehicle routing & scheduling

2.2.3. Traffic management: prediction and avoidance of collisions and deadlocks

2.2.4. Positioning of idle vehicles

2.3. Maintainance

2.3.1. Battery management

2.3.2. Failure management

3. Papers

3.1. Arnaud et al: Using Uppaal for the secure and optimal control of AGV fleets

3.2. Reveliotis et al: Conflict Resolution in Free-Ranging Multi-Vehicle Systems: A Resource Allocation Paradigm

3.3. Kim et al: Conflict-free shortesttime bi-directional AGV routing

3.4. Maza, Castagna: Conflict-free AGV Routing in Bi-directional Network

3.5. LaValle, Hutchinson: Optimal Motion Planning for Multiple Robots Having Independent Goals

3.6. Psaraftis: Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems

4. Theories

4.1. Supervisory control theory

4.2. Resource allocation systems

4.3. Geometric motion planning

5. Glossary

5.1. FTS = Fahrerlose Transportsysteme

5.2. AGV = Automated guided vehicle-systems

5.3. AWT = Automatische Warentransportanlage

6. Industry

6.1. Application

6.1.1. HHLA CTA

6.2. Development



