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ePortfolio by Mind Map: ePortfolio

1. ED F 315

1.1. My Philosophy of Education

1.2. Technology Position Statement

1.3. Group Project

1.3.1. Prezi

1.3.2. Reflection

1.4. Mindmeister

1.4.1. Mind Map

1.4.2. Reflection

1.5. Educational Links

1.5.1. NOVA

1.5.2. Cells Alive

1.5.3. Learn.Genetics

1.5.4. TED Talks

1.5.5. End of Course Test Prep

1.6. Reflections

2. Undergraduate Education

2.1. Undergraduate Courses

2.1.1. list all courses taken in undergrad

2.2. Honors

2.2.1. Discuss general honors

2.2.2. File cabinet of documents from Honors courses

2.3. Student Organizations and Extracurricular Activites

2.3.1. List of organizations/description/involvement

3. My Links

3.1. General Education Competencies

3.2. Clemson University Homepage

3.3. Calhoun Honors College

4. Jobs and Internships

4.1. Student-Athlete Enrichment Program Tutor and Mentor

4.2. Environmental Interpreter Intern

4.3. Mad Science Instructor

5. Personal Documents

5.1. Resume

5.2. References

6. Home Page