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สิ่งแวดล้อม by Mind Map: สิ่งแวดล้อม

1. Taught curriculum

1.1. Wide open for student inquiries and relationships in which they are free to question and their views are meaningful.

1.2. Observing and recording students' learning can effectively manage and change the learning environment.

1.3. Students learn to share and collaborate in different cultural environments.

1.4. Ask open-ended questions to stimulate decision-making and problem solving.

2. Assessed curriculum

2.1. It should be planned and planned.

2.2. Focus on student learning and record student observations in their detailed in-depth information inquiry.

2.3. The documents help to facilitate the learning of the students effectively.

2.4. Structures and daily routines will enhance previous learning experiences by linking their original knowledge.

2.5. Families must engage in student learning to reflect their good learning environment.

3. Informational decisions

4. Challenge

5. inquire

6. Inspiration

7. Relationship

8. Planning

9. Collaborate

10. Written curriculum

10.1. Planning and changing the learning environment according to the student's evolving needs.

10.2. Materials for learning must be attractive and appealing to motivate students to inquire, explore and doubt.

10.3. Materials selection and classroom placement are independent, social interaction, motivation, discovery, and inquiry.

10.4. The indoor and outdoor learning environment is a way for students to inspire and challenge, encourage, risk, imagine, decide, and solve problems.

10.5. Students are able to select areas to explore, participate in learning.

11. Development of emotional and physical cognition

12. Reflect

13. A survey

14. Doubt

15. Prides