Summing up, more questions?

Mindmap used for the summing up between UNI-C and Tiger Leap Foundation (TLF), at the end of TLF's visit to Copenhagen in early October 2011. From 23rd Febr. 2012 shared as a "wikimap"; so additional comments and new thoughts are welcomed. //Claus Berg, UNI-C

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Summing up, more questions? создатель Mind Map: Summing up, more questions?

1. Budget/finanse etc

2. School budgets, distribution betw. diff. resourcer

3. Research: outcomes, DPU, New strategy, etc.

4. School visits

5. UNI-C's and Tiger Leap's role, ICT Strategy

5.1. Measuring outcomes

5.1.1. What to be measured?

5.1.2. How? Consultant companies Annual results/contract Quantity measures Quality ditto Meetings

5.2. Budget analysis, every 2-3-4th year

5.3. Tools for meas.

6. EMU & "School Life"

6.1. Editors, similarities and diff. in conditions

7. SkoleKom & SkoDa